I wonder if anyone knows how to translate %-RM to reps-RM?
For example, i?m now on ABBH2 and knows what my 7RM is. When it?s time to change to 15RM for that excercise, what weight should be a good place to start if i used % of my 1RM?
Can it be done, or is it to many factors inwolved that make?s it to inaccurate?
I’ve complained about that a few times already.
nobody has a 25 RM at least not a consistent one.
Start with about 40% of your 1RM. Others have suggested 50% but I find that long sets take some getting used to and its better to start a bit light and work up than to start too heavy and wonder how anyone ever completes a set. You can always add more weight the next time …
It works pretty good. Just put in the weight you use for a particular lift and how many reps you can do. It’ll give you a number based on that. From my experience, it has been pretty much right on.