Do any of you guys have any input on the best way to transition from Fast Fast to the Don’t Diet plan? I have another week on FF and would like to try Dont Diet without gaining fat from the introduction of carbs. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I’m interesting to have a answer please !
Hey folks. I went from FF to DD a little while ago. All I really did was go from zero carbs to about 10% carbs for 2 weeks, then to 20%carbs for a week, then 33% carbs for 2 weeks, now I’m on 45% carbs. Now that I’m on 45% carbs (maintenance levels) I’ve stopped Meltdown Training, started a 4 way split plus Renegade Rope Training, stopped virtually all supplements, and I’m still losing fat!!! Let me know if you want more detail.
Have you gained wait during this phase ?
And thank a lot for your answer guy !
How fast did you increase your calories???
Hey Byp0 - It seems that I’m just achingly slowly regaining weight. I’m purposely not over-eating much as I want to avoid as much as possible a rebound fat accumulation. I can say that I’m still leaning out slowly and my muscles/physique has gotten a much harder look to it, and I’m getting increasing vascularity. I’ll most likely put up the info on my website at some point. If/when I get it up I’ll post the URL if anyone’s interested.
I want the URL
Yeah put the URL up.
While this thread is fresh in everyones mind I’ll post the URL of my training stuff. At the moment it’s just all about the cutting-cycle I just finished, but I’ll tack on the recomposition phase in about a week or so. Here 'tis… markyabsley/bodybuilding2.html
Hi Mark-AUS, want you say 20%carbo, how much Protein and fat you eat ? P-C-F 40-20-40 ? 45-20-35? And what is the P-C-F for don’t diet ?
Hey bypo - Week 1 - 2 50/0/50 (P/C/F). Week 3 - 5 50/15/35. Week 6 - 7 33/33/33. Now I’m on 35/45/20. It varies a little, but I’m spot on most days. I’m still losing fat too…