I’ve been studying CT’s tramsformation regimen and seriously considering it for my drive to transform. I’m 53 and been working with a trainer (resistance/interval cardio) for 14 months…ready to get “leaned out”. My fitness goals run toward the atheletic (golf) rather than just bulk. I just started using Hot Rox/Tribex and have ordered low carb grow.
Is this a program for me? Or should I use some other plan available in T-Nation…
Okay. I’ll take a stab at this one. For one thing, CT made his transformation a full-time job and gave it 110%. He did morning cardio, fasted state, 45 minutes to an hour. He hired Chris Janusz (SwoleCat) to design and manage his diet.
As far as the before and after goes, CT carried more LBM than a lot of the people here on the forum weigh!!! So when he stripped BF, it was a stunning transformation.
If you’re willing to work out in the gym hard 3 or 4 days a week; if you’re willing to do daily cardio; if you dial in your diet; if you’re willing to shave your head – oops, guess I went a bit too far, there. (grin)
Seriously, if you do all of the above, you should get results that make you very happy. And honestly, it really doesn’t matter how long it takes. It’s about changing your eating patterns, optimizing PWO nutrition, making better choices and learning to eat to hit numbers (i.e., Carb/Protein/Fat grams) and increasing your activity levels. If you do hire Chris, he’ll make adjustments along the way so that you don’t hit a plateau.
An alternative (or preliminarily), though, would be to take a long hard look at T-Dawg 2.0. People have gotten excellent results with that program without going hungry.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask!!!
Hey, Lifeboy! Congratulations on your commitment to get fit! It’s never too late, baby.
I love CT and I think the world of all his philosophies, but if you’re truly focused on performance training for golf, then I definitely don’t feel that OVT is optimal.
We’ve got a great training facility down here in Austin that where the strength coaches train professional and amateur golfers. There is actually very little strength training involved, in a traditional sense. Much of the focus is placed on core activation, mobility, and stability. There is also a great emphasis placed on medicine ball work and core work in the transverse plane.
P-Dog, you know I’ve got nothing but love for you and the T-Forumites! I wouldn’t abandon you crazy cool kids.
This past semester has been outstandingly busy. As such, I’ve had to cut back on my leisure time activities. I’ll try to be a little more regular again–not that I wasn’t “regular”…oh well, you get the gist!