i usually try and switch my weight training up usually heavy though like 5x5 or even 8 10 12 HIIT 25-30 mins 4 days a week low carb for about 2 months and refreed on the weekends weights have been staying the same really i have not been gettin any stronger at all…i try and keep my fat intake around 50-60 grams protein around 200 and carbs just from veggies and maybe an apple pre workout
here is a pic
is a bulk necessary…i do not want to add alot of body fat
[quote]tlydi23 wrote:
is a bulk necessary…i do not want to add alot of body fat[/quote]
Eating is necessary. If you want to actually have some muscle to show, you will need much more. That will require you to eat A LOT more food than 1900 cal a day, as well as adding in carbs.
If you want to just lose fat, well thats your choice, but low-carb is generally the way to go. Chances are you’ll be disappointed if you get to like 7%bf because you won’t have any muscle to show and then decide to bulk, ultimately resulting in time lost…
Btw, nice myspace angle on that picture