hey friends. i do not post regular enough, nor is anything interesting enough in my training to warrant keeping a weekly log, instead i thought i would just post anything relevant in this thread regarding my training injuries.
injury update: well my neck fusion is scheduled for dec 7th i plan on training as hard as i can and achieve some body comp goals before then. want to clean up my diet some and get under 220 and less than 15% body fat before my surgery.
training stuff:
I have dropped pressing from my training for now, as my neck and shoulders prohibit me from using any loading that could possibly be respectable and stimulate any muscle growth.
what this means is instead of a chest day, i pretty much have 2 arm/shoulder days, and throw in a little direct chest work on those two days, in the form of various forms of flys, (dumbbells, kettle bells, chains, bands, cables, machine)
i have found a few exercises that i can go pretty heavy on.
the hammer seated shoulder press- i can rep out 15-20 reps with 3 plates, 4-6 reps with 4 plates.
modified push ups with chains- i use a moderate/close hand spacing, set up with my feet on floor and my hands on 4 stacked deadlift mats, with my hands on the edge of the mats, i can use sort of a neutral grip, keep my elbows semi tucked in, i handle 4-7 chains for reps on these.
single arm standing db curls- for some reason heavy barbell curls fuck with my herniated discs in my neck, so i have been working on increasing loading on single arm biceps movements, i have been able to do fairly strict reps minimal cheating with 60lbs dbs. this is good for me.
partial dips- i go maybe 3/4 the way down, my elbows are just barely past 90 degrees, this puts most of the strain on triceps and a little front delt, and leaves my chest out of it and does not bother my neck as much as using light loads going full rom. bodyweight (235) plus 40-60lb db for 6-8 reps is my top set.
“high” wide stance box squats- i call these high, though no offence and not to start a flame war with the PL crowd, the depth probably would pass in some of the more liberal geared monolift feds as far as i can tell by looking at the youtube vids. I am maybe 1/2 inch to 1 inch above parallel, damn near even parallel, this is very high for me, as I have been known for my deeeeep squats. I have gone as high as 6 plates with belt and knee sleeves for 3-5 reps. this is rare though, usually i will work up to 4 plates and some change for 8-10 reps and then do drop sets, dropping 50lbs each set for a total of 3-4 drop sets. OR i will load like 265(two 25kg plates each side) plus lots of chain, as many as 6 each side. I actually prefer chains with lighter plate weight, now that I am looking for more development than strength, as i feel i keep the reps higher and overload the quads.
deadlifts- either rack pulls from a low pin position with (mid shin) or with reverse bands or chains from the floor. 6 plates with average bands from floor(reverse bands) for 6-10 reps, or 265 plus lots of chains 4-6 chains) from floor, or up to 5 plates for 10-15 reps from rack.
lots and lots of direct sholder work, i only use the hammer shoulder press maybe 1-2 times a month, usually i just do machine delt raises, cable delts, or kbs or dbs.
that is all for now.