Training Twice a Day-Same Lift

If I want to train a lift twice a day, separated by 4-6 hours, what is the best way. I am thinking of doing one heavier (80-85% triples) and one lighter (70% for 6-10). Which one should come first in the day, the heavier or lighter? Any other tips on training an exercise 2x per day?

Well what is your goal? If you are dead set on doing these rep schemes then the heavier workout would be the first.

  1. The heavier loads will potentiate the nervous system for the second workout
  2. The second workout being more of a pump session will promote recovery from the first one by increase nutrients delivery to the muscles
  3. Doing the volume work first would leave the muscles more tired and the nervous system less activated for the heavy session

[quote]Christian Thibaudeau wrote:
Well what is your goal? If you are dead set on doing these rep schemes then the heavier workout would be the first.

  1. The heavier loads will potentiate the nervous system for the second workout
  2. The second workout being more of a pump session will promote recovery from the first one by increase nutrients delivery to the muscles
  3. Doing the volume work first would leave the muscles more tired and the nervous system less activated for the heavy session[/quote]

Actually I was going to just do straight barbell curls. I have never really brought up my biceps to match my chest, back and thighs. My other weakness is overhead pressing-I have worked to get my shoulder mobility back after nixing overhead presses for about 5 years. My OH press max is 190 while I have benched 360 so now that my shoulder feels good I wanted to bring up that weakness too. Its hard for me to get stonger on 4-6 exercises at the same time anymore, and especially to add muscle everywhere, so I am thinking that I will do something like 3-2-1-3-2-1 for dead squats and pulldowns, high pulls and bench presses once a week to keep my strength focus on either the OH press or curl 3 times a week, but with a short AM and PM workout.

My other thought was to do 5-4-3-2-1 for curls in the AM and then just 3-2-1 plus maybe an extra couple singles in the PM.

So I’m generally curious. You mentioned in some article that training frequency was most important, that if you could get somebody to train and basically chase performance 2 or 3 times a day they would progress the fastest. Have you put up any articles about twice a day training? When and how should it be implemented?

[quote]Christian Thibaudeau wrote:
Well what is your goal? If you are dead set on doing these rep schemes then the heavier workout would be the first.

  1. The heavier loads will potentiate the nervous system for the second workout
  2. The second workout being more of a pump session will promote recovery from the first one by increase nutrients delivery to the muscles
  3. Doing the volume work first would leave the muscles more tired and the nervous system less activated for the heavy session[/quote]

would a morning strength session be as simple as a 1 hard complex lift?

example- on back day or lower body day, go in and hit dead lifts hard for 6 sets of 3 slowly adding weight each set and then doing loaded carries?

id be curious to see what you would do when splitting workouts into 2 sessions.