Hey, I don’t know if anyone has discussed this topic on the forum, but it is on my mind due to the immense amount of emails I get from companies that try to solicit business that promise me a larger penis… So, I was curious if anyone has ever done any of these “programs” and if it has worked for them…I mean, we all train to grow our muscles for one reason or another(or to “look good nekkid” as it is put), so why couldn’t you gain size “down below” by using exercise to make this happen? I mean, with adequate caloric intake and training of your unit, why wouldn’t it grow just like any other muscle??? Any help/info would be appreciated…

First of all, your ween is not a muscle. If it were, you could stick it through the hole in a five pound plate and do curls with it. There is a way to exercise the little “PC” muscles inside of you in order to increase stamina, but those aren’t going to hypertrophy. Unless you get an implant, none of that stuff works. If you keep your body fat levels low, it looks bigger, and also if you shave strategically like a porn star. But those programs are all hoaxes.

I’m going to have to agree with Raphael’s answer - your “member” is not a muscle, so you can’t do any exercises to increase its size. As Raphael says, you can exercise your PC muscles to both intensify and develop control of your orgasm, but you can’t beef Mr. Wiggley up. If you want to know more about what the ladies are thinking, check out Gang O’ Babes, Issue #150, for our opinions on size vs. technique.

Actually, I long ago read an article on how to use progressive resistance in developing the PC (puboglycogeal?) muscles. Start by doing static contractions and holding them for set times (10 sec., 20 sec., etc.). These are the same muscles that you use to stop urination. Next, with a full erection and lying on your back, flexing the PC muscles will lift your phallus slightly off of your body. Practice this. Then place a bedsheet over your schlong and lift that; then a dishtowel; then a wet bedsheet; then a wet dishtowel. You get the idea–you can progressively add just a bit more resistance at a time. The PC muscles are slowtwitch, so you are not going to build up size, but you can build up strength and especially endurance. Btw, I haven’t tried this, so caveat emptor! It might actually be possible to support a 5-lb. weight on your erect schlong, provided that you worked up to it over time.