[quote]shawninjapan wrote:
The “most effective” way would almost certainly not be to stay at such a low bodyweight. I tried two full years of gaining muscle at probably 10% bf with very, very little to show for it. It is only after I stopped worrying about staying so damned lean all the time that I started to make some actual progress.
Moreover, I have followed your threads from the start, and, my opinion, of course I can’t know you, but the reason you lost 40 pounds (!!! at your height!!!) was that you did not take the good advice you were given. That muscle mass wasn’t ready to stay on and you gave most of it away. What a waste of time. Can you see this?
I’m sure competing was a great experience. That was, if I recall correctly, the reason you gave for wanting to do it in the first place, so long ago. You’ve had your experience. Now you are still talking the same game. Nothing has changed. What is it you want? You always use other shorter guys (damnit if I can’t remember his name) to excuse your own lack of willingness to put in the time and effort the right way in the gym and in the kitchen before stripping away the fat and jumping on stage.
I’ll ask it again. What is it you want? The end result, what are you looking for? Honestly answer that question and I don’t think you will need to start a thread asking the smart people on this board what you already know.
Of course, you will do whatever the hell you want, but, when all is said and done, I mean years, years later, will you really be satisfied at having held back so much for those fleeting moments of short term gratification?
five-twelve wrote:
Professor X I have to disagree with you about the size issue. I don’t believe you have to be 200+ lbs to win any of these comps unless you go Pro. The guy that won the whole OCB Spirit of America Comp was only 162 lbs.
I don’t disagree with you about adding size in the off season. The question is what is the most effective way to do that, knowing that I will have to diet down again next year.
Losing 40lbs for my comp I think was too drastic. I did lose a lot of muscle mass. I was curious if staying leaner year round would make it easier to cut bf and retain muscle come comp time.
Thank you for your opinion shawninjapan you raise some good questions that I often ask myself.
What I want from bodybuilding…
In the broad sense, I do it because I smile again. Increase self-confidence, happiness, all that stuff that people tend to think is cheezy until you don’t have it.
Most of all I want to do this because its something that I have learned to love and share to others.
You and Prof X are both right. I most likely made mistakes on this journey. But show me one person who has not stumbled alone the way.
It is learning threw those mistakes that makes us better as an athlete and a person.
This is why I posted this thread. I was interested in other opinions. What you guys may not realize is that many of the things you guys recommend I have 20 other guys saying all different things. The goal is to sort threw all the information and try to seperate the good from the BS.
One of the great things I learned from this comp is that almost everyone does something different from a training standpoint. Finding out what works best for you body is what is the most important part. This just comes with time in the gym and learning as many theories as you can from places such as T-Nation.
All I’m asking for is for you to share your own experience. I would like to think if I became knowledgable enough in this sport I could also share that knowledge to others by also being humble in my adivice.