Abit about myself
UK based, 30 y/o, Natural , Diagnosed Low Test , Awaiting TRT . Not sure which neuro type I am, its a mix of 2 & 3. Weighing 84Kg with max lifts @ (S,B,D - 190kg,120kg,190kg)
Going down to 3 days a week training so I can start focusing on BJJ a little more, but still slowly chip away at some size and strength gains. Anyone Feel free to critique my program in ways it sucks , and how it could be better. My exercise selection is based on what I think will help me further my own goals. E.g. no heavy deads as I feel I take too long to recover from them and it effects other training. FloorPress as I feel this will help carry over into BJJ more than a normal bench.
Monday - 1
Tues - BJJ
Wed - 2
Thurs - BJJ
Fri - Rest
Sat - 3
Sun - Rest
5x(6,5,4,3,2,1) means 5 sets of 6, then next week 5x5 etc… not some crazy drop set
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Squat - 5x(6,5,4,3,2,1)
FloorPress - 4x(8,10,12)
Pullup - 5x(6,5,4,3,2,1)
Clean - 5x(6,5,4,3,2,1)
RDL’s - 3x(8,10,12)
Bent Over Row - 4x(8,10,12)
Behind Neck Press - 4x(8,10,12)
Squat - 4x(8,10,12)
FloorPress - 5x(6,5,4,3,2,1)
Pullup - 4x(8,10,12)