Training Log as of 27/09/2010

wake - 07.50
weight - 64.2

  • steak, green tea, fruit juice, vitamin c, fish oils, multivitamin
  • mutant mass
  • chicken, bagel, tomatoes, pear
  • mutant mass
  • green tea
  • beef pasta sauce and pasta
  • boot bar and caffeine pro
  • post workout anabolic halo
  • boost bar, bcaas, vitamin c, cherry active

training - MMA
shark tank, 2x5 one stand up one on ground. - poor session gased stand up done ok on ground but only pulled off one submission. When sparring after done well picked guys off standing well.

sleep - 11.30pm

wake - 06.45am
weight - 63.2kg

  • porridge, green tea, vitamin c, multi vitamin, fish oils
  • protein shake, 3 plums
  • beef, bagel, tomatoes and cucumber
  • peach
  • mutant mass
  • caffeine pro
  • Turbo energy drink
  • post workout anabolic halo
  • chicken breasts and bagel
  • mutant mass
  • vitamin c and cherry active
  • green tea


  • BJJ, working take the back, arm drag variations, switch sides
  • Striking, sparring was good, hands and kick combinations
  • Conditioning felt good on a hard circuit, sprints, bear crawls squats etc high intensity

Sleep - 4.00am

wake - 10.00
weight - NA

Training - Rest day

Caught up on sleep in the day

Sleep - 11.30

wake - 09.30am
weight - 64.4kg

  • omlette, green tea, multivitamin, fish oils
  • post workout anabolic halo
  • beef pasta
  • energy drink
  • 2 chicken breasts and pitta bread
  • peach
  • vitmin c and cherry active

training - weights

squat atg - 80kg, 100kg, 100kg 3x5
bench - 70kg, 70kg, 70kg 3x5
deadlifts - 100kg 1x5
dips + bodyweight - 20kg, 30kg 2x8

Sleep -12.00am

wake 10.30 am
weight na
2 eggs on brown bread
chicken, sweet poatao, green beans
choclate, crisps, peach,
green tea x 4
vitamin c, cherry active, multi vitamin, fish oils

rest day

sleep 12.00am

wake - 6.45
weight - 63.3kg
diet -

  • porridge, egg and eggs whites, multivitamin, fish oils green tea
  • peach and 4 plums
  • chicken and tomotoes and cucumber
  • bagel
  • green tea x2
  • steak and mixed vegetables
  • post workout anabolic halo
  • mutant mass
  • cherry active

Training - mma
drilling and light rolling beginers class
advanced class - bit of guard work, then sparring from guard, got caught once in trianle/kimura variation. rest of the time dominated top position. pulled off a few subs on bottom too. very good today.

sleep - 12.00

wake - 9.30am
weight - 64.1kg
diet -

  • porridge, egg, egg whites, multivitamin, fish oils
  • 3 plums and a peach
  • post workout anabolic halo
  • chicken and 3 slices wholemeal bread
  • chicken, mixed vegetables and quinioa
  • caffeine pro
  • post workout anabolic halo
  • green tea x 5
  • mutant mass
  • cherry active

training -

Padwork/boxing - good need to use more angles, and more headmovement slip, sits, parrys etc. circle more get rythym.

Wrestling - warmup, drilled throws, judo throw variation, keep feet square, bump hip, wrestling lost 0-3 takedowns opponent was 77kg.

sleep - 11.30pm

wake - 8.00am
weight 63.2kg
diet -

  • porridge, egg whites, multi vitamin, fish oils
  • post workout anabolic halo
  • coffee
  • bagel, chicken breast, peach
  • nutri grain, almonds
  • beef stew, quinioa, peas
  • caffeine pro
  • post workout anabolic halo
  • bannana
  • green tea x5

Strength (kg) 3x5 rep… warm up set before too.

  • squat atg - 90,100,100
  • clean - 40,50,50
  • push press - 40, 40, 50
  • single arm row - 30, 40, 40

MMA - Drilled armbar variation to triangle. Good grappling, decent standing felt good again. High intensity circuit to finish.

sleep - 11.30pm

wake - 6.55am
weight - 65.4kg
Diet -

  • porridge, egg, egg whites, green tea, multi vitamin, fishoils
  • protein shake
  • tuna sandwhich brown bread, pasta pot
  • rack of ribs and tomatoes
  • bagel
  • peach
  • Post workout anabolic halo
  • plate of beef pasta
  • green tea x 3

Training -

BJJ - Side control escsapes, bridge, get elbow in, arm infront of jaw, bridge get knee in and a hook in. Rolling was good was very sharp.

Striking - basic footwork drills, sparring was ok.

Sleep - 12.00

wake - 8.00
weight - 64.3kg
diet -

  • Poridge, egg and egg whites, green tea, multivitamin, fish oils
  • Mutant mass
  • peach
  • post workout anabolic halo
  • proteain bar
  • 5 pieces chicken and a bagel
  • lentil soup
  • cake and chocolate *
  • Green tea x4

Training - drilling, drilled guard - take the back, leg locks, knee bars and heel hook. trianglt to arm bar and vice versa and some takedowns.

Sleep - 12.00

wake - 08.20
weight - 65.1kg
diet -
mutant mass and orange
post workout anabolc halo
muffin and tea
whole chicken and rice
curry and rice
green tea x 3

Training strength work
squat 100,100,100 3x5
bench 70, 70, 72.5 3x5
deadlifts 110, 1x5
weighted dips 25,25 2x8
stretch off

sleep - 12.15

diet -
4 pieces brown bread, 3 eggs, multi vitamin and fish oils
tea and apple pie
chicken bbreast and bagel
chicken, quinoa and carrots
chocolate and cake *
green tea x 5

Rest day

sleep - 12.15

09.30 + 1.30 nap = 10 HOURS SLEEP
weight 64.7kg
porridge, egg whites and egg, multivitamin and fish oils
protein shake and a peach
chicken breast and mixed veg
steak, wholemeal rice and mixed vegetables
mix of water and energy drink during training
Post workout anabolic halo
2 x orange
green tea x 6

Training - MMA B - wretsling for takedown was good, drilled high crotch and takedown from overhook.
MMA AD - standup and wrestling ok, hands were good, shark tank found it hard but done well, when on others done very good, nice subs and GnP.

Sleep - 11.40


  • Porridge, egg egg whites, multi vitamin, fish oils
  • Protein shake and peach
  • Chicken breast and tomato soup
  • Plate of plain pasta and peach
  • During training turbo mix with water
  • Post workout anabolic halo
  • Beef sauce and pasta
  • Green tea x6

Training, Wrestling

  • Push, pull, circle, takedown drills
  • Base exercise, sit ups/posture on bottom
  • Arm roll pin
  • Snatch head, circle, take front leg takedown
  • Dominent in live wresling today

Sleep - 12.00


  • Porridge, Protein shake, multi vitamin and fish oils
  • Post workout anabolic halo
  • Half a chicken and 2 bagels
  • Beef stew with sweet potato and mixed veg
  • BCAA x 1
  • Post workout anabolic halo
  • Mutant mass
  • Green tea x 5

Training Weight

Squat - 100kg,100kg,102.5kg 3x5
Clean - 50kg,50kg,50kg 3x5
Push Press - 50kg,50kg,50kg 3x5
Weighted Pull ups - 20kg,20kg,20kg 3x5

(good progress)

Training MMA
B - High crotch takedown, over hook takedown. Live wrestling good and rolling very good.
AD - Shark tank was very tired, need to stay composed more and use technique more, landed some good shots but need to follow them up. Takedowns were good but tired towards the end and couldnt get the drive.

Sleep - 12.00

porridge, egg whites and egg, multi vitamin, fish oils
protein shake and peach
salami crackers and low fat cheese
blueberry muffin, 2 plums and a peach
cod and vegetables
post workout anabolic halo
popcorn *
green tea x 6

Training - Wrestling

Was good drilled, hard warm up and live wrestling.

Sleep - 12.15