I had an off day at my last meet and came up shy of the WILKS score of 375 but since I was the winner at the American Open meet in my division I qualified for this contest.
I will be in over my head against some of the others in the line-up and don’t really expect to place but hey, I think saying I competed at the Arnold Classic would be pretty cool.
For my last meet I used the Sheiko method, utilizing programs #29-37-32. I think the volume helped but feel like the deload on 32 was too long, for me at least and I felt much stronger on the “Skills Evaluation” 3 weeks out than I did at the meet.
Squats- 45x20 135x10 225x5 275x3 315x1 365x1 380x5x5 set - all to depth but not pretty reps, felt a bit rusty after the layoff, but not really sore today
Deadlift- 135x10 245x3 335x1 385x1 440x1 475x1 505x1x2 sets
Low Box squats- tried to work up but only got to 225 for a slow double, maybe should do these first felt like I was too tightened up
Lunges- 75x5x5 sets
Leg raise- 3x20
Bench - BARx20 135x10 135x5 235x8x2 sets
Close grip bench- 185x5 205x5 225x5 245x5
Dumbbell overhead press- 55x10x3 sets
Thick bar curl- 50x6x6 sets (didn’t count weight of bar because I don’t know what it weighs)
Close stance squat- 45x10 135x5 185x3 225x3 275x3 315x1 (paused) 365x1 (paused)
Deadlift- 245x3 345x1 395x1 440x1x10 sets
Grapppler- 70x10x5 sets
Prowler- 90x6 sets - fun to do, but pain in groin precludes me from going full speed
[quote]HeavyTriple wrote:
Good lifts and interesting technique on deads. So you just felt like pulling five at 517.5 one day? That’s crazy, man.[/quote]
LOL, thanks guy! What I’m trying this cycle is only pulling heavy every other week, and I feel like my deadlift is finally moving again.
I had meant to do a single there but was feeling pretty strong. I am blessed to have a training partner who brings this intensity and work ethic to the gym that puts most guys to shame. You can hear him hollering at me in that vid. LOL
All through this training cycle I have had a slight pain in the left side of the groin. Not really an excruciating pain but when squatting hitting depth is kind of uncomfortable and on the concentric phase it feels very very tight despite stretching beforehand.
Normally I think nagging little pains like this are just part of the game, but I also feel the same pain there when I sneeze or cough or even laugh too hard. Someone mentioned that this is a warning sign of an inguinal hernia.
Hopefully it is only a tightness/slight strain of the groin muscle but I need to be wary of this. I will just foam roll and stretch this Friday (deadlift day) and next Monday (squat day) Next Friday I will try some moderate squats - up to 315 or so. If I still feel something I will take a break from heavy training until I see a doctor.
Really this is very disappointing as my deadlift had taken off and this would be the biggest meet I’d ever been a part of but it is probably better to err on the sign of caution than risk permanent injury.