Too much sitting has ruined my body. Too much abuse has gone on for too long. From now on there will be 50 pushups each morning, 50 pullups. There will be no more pills, no more bad food, no more destroyers of my body. From now on will be total organization. Every muscle must be tight
April 18:
Bodyweight: 266.4 lbs
Squats- 45x10 135x10 185x5 225x5 275x5
Bench- 45x10 135x10 175x5 205x5 235x5
Chest supported row- 45x10 90x10 135x10x3 sets
Incline Sit ups- 3 sets of 20
Back raises- 3 sets of 20
C2 rower- warmed up then did 500m in 1:54 rested 2 minutes then did 500m in 1:59
April 20
Bodyweight: 262.4 lbs
Squats- 45x10 135x10 225x3 250x5 295x5 345x5 - used a different bar which was thinner and whipped around a bit, will use this one for all workouts except heavy workouts as I feel it helps teach me to stay tight
Military Press- 45x10 115x5 135x5 145x5
All sets superset with Pull ups - 9 sets of 3 then 1 set of 2 (missed third)
Back Raises- 3 sets of 20
Sit ups- 3 sets of 20
Had to skip rower as I was short on time
keep it up!
Where’s Alexander ;)?
[quote]FrozenNinja wrote:
keep it up![/quote]
thanks man!
[quote]Bambi wrote:
Where’s Alexander ;)?[/quote]
He said he was off making some kind of moving mosaic
Fell behind on my log
I am trying to get back in shape but also want to compete at powerlifting again later this year. After some research decided shorter work intervals might be in order. The rowing intervals are great for general conditioning but does not seem optimal for what I am trying to do.
Monday did
Squats- 45x10 135x10 185x5 225x5 275x5
Dips- bodyweight for 10 sets of 10 - 60 sec rest
Deadlifts- 245x3 335x1 375x5 400x5 425x5
Sit ups- 3 sets of 25
Back raise- 3 sets of 25
For conditioning did
Kettlebell swings- 50-lbs “bell” for 10 sets of 10 each hand. Did one set on the minute for 20 minutes
Bodyweight 260.4
couldn’t make it to the gym, used the one at my building
Squats (machine) - 45x10 135x10 185x5 225x5 275x5
Chest Press- 55x10 100x10 145x10 175x10 220x5 235x5 250x8
Superset with chins- 8 sets of 3
Bike: 5 minutes warmup then 10 sets of 15 sec sprint/45 second moderate, then 5 minutes cooldown
Weight: 262.4 lbs
Squats- 45x10 135x10 225x5 275x5 315x3 345x5 365x5 385x5
First serious day in a while but weights felt pretty light, didn’t want to push too much this week
Stiff leg deadlift- 255x10x3 sets (double overhand)
Back raises- 3 sets of 20
Incline Sit ups- 3 sets of 15
Prower- 90x5 sets 180x5 sets 270x3 sets- shoes started coming apart due to friction; will probably stick with a lighter weight for more volume
Will probably do 4 more weeks of general conditioning then try to push the weights, doing 30 minutes of elliptical or treadmill each morning and keeping carbs to a minimum
BWT: 256.6
Bench- 45x10 95x10 135x10 185x5 235x5 250x5 265x5
Superset with
chins- 7 sets of 3
Kettlebells clean and jerk- 50x10x6 sets each arm - 60 seconds rest between sets
tough days, weights felt heavy
Bodyweights: 258.8
Squats- 45x10 135x10 185x5 225x5 275x5
Deadlifts- 245x3 335x1 375x5 400x5 425x5
Back raise- 3 sets of 25
Sit ups- 3 sets of 20
Prowler push- 6 sets with 270 - 1 minute rest
[quote]bucephalus wrote:
There will be no more pills[/quote]
my friend, stick with this. pills lead to nothing but physical and mental damnation. ive seen too many close friends and family members ruin their lives by abusing prescriptions, hell im one of those people. regardless, congratulations for recognizing the negative effects of pain killers and stay off them birds. good luck in your training
[quote]youknow wrote:
[quote]bucephalus wrote:
There will be no more pills[/quote]
my friend, stick with this. pills lead to nothing but physical and mental damnation. ive seen too many close friends and family members ruin their lives by abusing prescriptions, hell im one of those people. regardless, congratulations for recognizing the negative effects of pain killers and stay off them birds. good luck in your training[/quote]
Now I feel bad, the first post is a quote from the movie “Taxi Driver.” Although I do have a close friend who has been working through an addiction recently, so I sympathize. I wish you the best.
May 7
BWT: 260.6
Squats- 45x10 135x10 225x5 275x3 315x3 365x3 390x3 410x5 - had 1 or 2 more but saving it for a long week ahead
Glute ham raise- 5 sets of 5
Sit ups- 1 set of 60 reps
Back raise- 25x20 repsx3 sets
Prowler-140x3 shuttle runs with prowler- sprint one way (about 15 yards) using low handles, push prowler back using high handles, repeat 3 times for 1 set.
Pushing the prowler slowly was actually tougher as using just muscle, no momentum. Sick pump by the end.
May 8
BWT: 253.8
Bench: 45x10 95x10 135x10 185x5 225x5 250x3 265x3 280x3
Superset with chins
4 sets of 3, 3 sets of 4, 1 set of 6 - only bodyweight
Then did
Dips- 10 sets of 10
superset with 10 sets of 100 rope skips, kept rest minimal
May 10
BWT: 256.8
Squats- 45x10 135x10 185x5 225x5 275x5
Deadlifts- 245x3 335x1 400x3 425x3 450x3
Incline sit ups- 25x15x3 sets
Reverse hyper- 80x20x2 sets
Kettlebell swings- 55x10x10 sets each side - on the minute
May 11
BWT: 253.6
Overhead press- 45x10 95x10 135x5 155x3 165x3 175x4
superset with
Chins- BWT x4x6 sets
May 14
Bwt: 260.2- bloated after a cheat day
Squats- 45x10 135x10 225x5 275x3 315x3 365x1 405x1 425x1 445x1
Back raise- 30x20x3 sets
Sit ups- BWTx20x3 sets
Kettlebell swings- 55x10x10 sets on the minute each side, 20 sets total
May 16
Bwt: 253.6
Bench- 45x10 95x10 135x10 185x5 235x3 265x3 295x3 - moved grip out to index fingers on power rings
Superset with chin ups for 6 sets of 4 reps
Then did the following circuit for 5 sets, 60 seconds rest in between
Chins- 3 reps
Rope skip- 100 reps
Dips- 10 reps
Rope skip- 100 reps
May 18
BWT: 254.8
Squats- 45x10 135x8 185x5 225x5 275x5
Deadlift- 245x1 335x1 385x1 435x1 475x1 - this one was uncharacteristically slow so called it quits
Prowler- 180x15 sets, 1 minute rest
May 19
BWT: 253.6
random crap at Apartment’s gym
Did a circuit of leg press, machine press and pull-downs for 4 sets of 20 with 1 minute rest
Then did incline press on smith machine - 45x10 135x10 185x5x3 sets
superset with pull ups for 5 sets of 5
May 22
BWT: 257.0 - baby sister graduated college yesterday so went off the diet a bit
Squats- 45x10 95x10 135x10 225x3 275x3 315x2x8 sets (speed)
90x5 sets
140x5 sets
180x5 sets
230x5 sets
rested about 1 minute between sets for the same weight, maybe 2-3 minutes of calmly walking around and catching my breath after each increase- absolutely BRUTAL