Training Differences Men vs Women

I read about the fact that women can do more sets, reps and fatigue less than men during training. I’m only interested in fitness (cardio and weight training) not to become a weight lifter. Does somebody know if there were tests to find it out and prove it? And how come nobody noticed before about that female power? I really think most women who train don’t know about it ?

I feel almost humble as man. But I’m somehow interested in it and did somebody ever witnessed it in the gym or somewhere else?

I would think that there have probably been thousands of studies on the physical differences between men and women.

There’ve been at least a couple articles on here about it, and I would wager they cited specific studies to back up their recommendations (most of the writers on here are good about that).

I think most women don’t realize it because they’ve been pushed toward the little pink weights their whole lives and only recently have begun to realize that picking up heavy shit is fun and physically rewarding - thanks CrossFit.

I’d say thank Ronda rousey and serena Williams more than CrossFit.

It’s out there. Useful info, at that. How come nobody noticed? They either don’t care, or aren’t proactive enough to do some research and come to some sort of logical conclusion.

They don’t.

Witness what?

To be straight up with you, there isn’t that much of a discrepancy between men and women in the gym. Men obviously have more testosterone, which can lead to more muscle growth, but the Estrogen and its related hormones that women have are excellent at muscle/tissue preservation, and women have vastly more of it than men do.

Obviously too much of it is not going to be good for either men or women, but I’m talking about healthy levels of both Test, and Estrogen.

I honestly forget where I read this study, but I had to pay 3$ to read it so you can best believe I have the login info saved somewhere in my study room. There’s also an article on this site, that mentions that aside from Estrogen and Testosterone being the main two hormones that one or the other dominantly has, most of the other hormones and metabolic functions are in close range of each other and don’t have that big of a difference.

It’s also a huge factor concerning where people start out with concerning muscle development. If you take a man and a woman with roughly the same amount of muscle mass, same height, and roughly similar fat percentages, run them on the same training cycle and assess after about 6 months, same diet, and same calorie allotment, the man more than likely will have more muscle, but compared to the female those numbers won’t be vastly different.

Most times it’s going to depend when people started seriously training, how active they were or are during adolescence while they were developing, etc. Most women do not train with the same amount of volume, intensity, or frequency as men. They also more than likely do not eat as much as men. They also favor cardio/endurance based activities. I’m not talking about Olympic athletes, because there’s specifics tied into that, that I’d have to consider, so I’d like to keep this as general as I can, and mostly concerning all of us average folks or gym goers.

I can’t give specific numbers, because there are quite a few environmental factors that can play in, and a few other variables, and I try not to make blanket statements, but for the most part the training differences concerning men and women, aren’t that complicated. I mean, they aren’t to me, simply because I don’t take into consideration I’m a female in determining my success.


One difference I’ve always found interesting is this:

If you graph a man’s strength curve from his 10RM up to his 1RM, it is very linear (for the most part). If you graph a woman’s, there is typically a much shorter distance between her 10RM and 1RM weights. Forget where I read that, but like I said, it’s always been intriguing to me.

And going off what you said in your post, I would be even more interested to see what populations were tested to find that correlation (assuming there is any actual evidence aside from anecdotal) - ie, were both male and female groups trained or untrained? To what extent were each group participants trained and what were their backgrounds? Both groups former athletes? Both groups self-reported as being ‘regular gym-goers’?

If you find it let me know.

As I said earlier, I left out a bunch of specifics, even more so just start with one of articles they have on T-Nation and go from there. That’s what I did. If I stumble across that web address I’ll share it.

Scratch what I said earlier, I’m more interested in whatever you find because to be honest there’s not that much that has been done with research concerning weight training and women.

If you’re asking me what I am trying to get at with this (I’m not the OP), nothing other than an interesting discussion with food for thought.

As for the OP, not sure. From reading his post, it looks like English is not his primary language and he is using a translator (just guessing, not trying to be a dick).

Saw your edit right after I posted. But no worries.

Yeah I wasn’t paying attention to who’s avatar was who’s.

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But seriously, if you can find something else please post it. Because I rarely find any varying info. Like at all.

Here’s one:

Follow the hyperlinks for the specifics.

Hi with mrjean. English is not my first language but Dutch. And I try to write as good as possible. I never use a translator.

i still don’t understand the 1 Max rep stories I read. And explain me about the 10RM and 1RM differences between men and women. I also read women can lift more percent of their 1 Max Rep.

So 1 Max Rep is the heaviest weight you can lift? And so women can reach more percent of that? But they normally can’t lift so much weight as a man?

The 10 and 1rm differences that are being explained go like this:

For men concerning their 1rm, it’s linear as Boatguy mentioned. To simplify it, think of a graph, with the x and y axis. The plots that can be predicted considering studies, follow a line, to some extent, or go in a noticeable direction. With the rep maxes decreasing as the poundages increase. (More reps, less weight, more weight, less reps).

With women, pertaining to one of the few articles on this site, states that women can do somewhere around 5 sets closer to their 1rm. It may also apply to single or double reps closer to the 1rm as well, but it’ll vary depending on the individual. So say you have a woman who has a 1rm, she can perform anywhere from 1-5 more reps or sets closer to her specific 1rm than men according to their specific 1rm. Say she’s capped out at 95%, as uses that as a rough estimate of her 1rm, she could push out 1-5 more reps and/or sets with 90-85% or something close in that range.
If you were trying to graph that, it would kind of look more like a cluster of points situated around the markers that indicate 80+%-95+%, for women than a general linear plot of point for men. It would still follow a somewhat linear direction for both though.

This is just a vague example.

Depends. Some studies site that, some focus more on the eccentric part of the lift, concerning women, neither are wrong, they’re just reporting different aspects. But it’s still proportionate to that individuals 1rm. Also depends, as mentioned by others who that study is done on and for how long, and what the activity level is of the participants.

Generally speaking yes.

They can dish out more reps and sets closer to their 1rm. But it’s not solely about 1rm. They can up their frequency a bit more, and dish out more negatives. But once again it’s still proportionate to the individual.

If you’re strictly judging according to how much weight is on the bar regardless of age, height, years of experience, diet, lean body mass, etc…then obviously yes. At least for the vast majority of people you see at the gym. But as stated before, if you’re following a bit more of a specific outline, such as the studies mentioned and not mentioned, and fitting people into categories according to similar height, lean mass, muscle fibers, years of experience, weight, then yes…stuff starts to even out across the board.

This all general speak. Nobody jump on me. I’m just simplifying as best as I can.

They can dish out more reps and sets closer to their 1rm. But it’s not solely about 1rm. They can up their frequency a bit more, and dish out more negatives. But once again it’s still proportionate to the individual.

Yes everybody is different but I quote one of your answers and still it’s unbelievable than that there are women who are capable to do more reps and sets closer to their max rep? But that’s what I meant that they can’t lift so much weight than men so for women a 1 max rep is a lower weight than the 1 max rep for a man. Cos men can normally lift more weight. So you can say it’s normal that women can reach more reps and sets or am I wrong about it? Cos of the lower weights they use , simple or not?They say it’s cos of the relatively more muscle endurance women have but this is maybe the simple explanation? It’s all relatively or not? And what I said about witness such a situation is that it could happen in a gym but you must have luck to watch it maybe?

I went three times to a gym of which twice to a typical commercial gym and mostly you only see women/girls doing cardio and some licht weight training mostly on gymdevices and a little bit with free weights. But still you see much too little women in the free weight area. I wish women wiuld be encouraged by our stories; at least when they read them, to train with heavier weights and show men what they are capable of.

Just watch this. The people at Juggernaut know their stuff.

You and me both.

Yes you can say that. But again, specific to the individual.

To an extent yeah. I say specific to the individual, because challenging for one person may not be challenging for the other, or completely out of their range.

I can rep myself into a stupor with 315 concerning squatting and negatives, or even repping out with 315 and deads, only other chicks I see with that much weight on their backs are on videos. Same with deadlifting. If I’m somewhere in the mid 300’s I can operate accordingly to what I’m comfortable with or have built up to.

If a lady can handle something in the 225 range that’s specific to her.

Yes fairly simple once you just read it over a few times

Yea it’s pretty much relative to the individual.

Depends. For some people yea they’d have to be actively searching for someone to gawk at or whatever the case. For me personally, I’ve worked up to be in that situation, and most times I keep to myself, and push myself harder to I’m rarely impressed with my own feats of strength.

@lucasmon posted a video that has excellent points. Keep in mind when they reference magnitude.

men have more intensity and women have more endurance

also, men have penises and women vaginas.


It’s 2018, you’re not allowed to say that

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