Training Change Reccomendations?

Hey CT! Haven’t been around the forums lately but I was wondering if you have you’ve got any suggestions on changes to my current training. I’ve finishing up the 12th week or so of the program (I did a few unplanned deloads in between) and wanted your input on any changes or ideas you may have.

Week 1: Ramp to 3RM, 3 cluster sets, 3 HDL sets
Week 2: Ramp to 2RM, 4 cluster sets, 2 HDL sets
Week 3: Ramp to 1RM, 5 cluster sets, 1 HDL set
Week 4: Ramp to 1RM, 3 HDL sets, 2 max pump sets

REPEAT over 3 phases:
ACCUMULATION: Use a more voluminous method (5-4-3-2-1 with 70%)
INTENSIFICATION: Use a higher intensity method (max reps/15 sec/max reps with 80%)
TRANSFORMATION: Use a more qualitative method (Hard 5 with 80-85%)

Each phase is 4 weeks long depending on how fast you adapt.

DAY 1: bench press
DAY 2: snatch-grip high pulls
DAY 3: front squats / back squats / snatch-grip deadlifts
DAY 4: bench press
DAY 5: snatch-grip high pulls
DAY 6: front squats / back squats / snatch-grip deadlifts …
note: days 3 and 6 were one of the three for a single block at a time, so 4 weeks of one movement.
DAY 7: lats & biceps

Thanks CT, hope you’re having a good holiday!