Guys, I am going under the knife in Mid December for a FAI, hip impingement with a tear of my outer hip tendon as well. He is going to repair a tear in my labrum, shave the bone down and then attempt to address my outer tendon tear and bursitis. I know some of you have had similar procedures.
My question is what to do before the surgery, ie…what exercises and/or stretches you would recommend? Also, any exercises you have had success with. Thanks in advance
[quote]ATLRGC wrote:
Guys, I am going under the knife in Mid December for a FAI, hip impingement with a tear of my outer hip tendon as well. He is going to repair a tear in my labrum, shave the bone down and then attempt to address my outer tendon tear and bursitis. I know some of you have had similar procedures.
My question is what to do before the surgery, ie…what exercises and/or stretches you would recommend? Also, any exercises you have had success with. Thanks in advance [/quote]
Just try and strengthen the quad, glutes, hamstrings, and hip flexors as much as possible. Probably closed chain exercises, squats, lunges etc pending your symptoms
[quote]ATLRGC wrote:
Guys, I am going under the knife in Mid December for a FAI, hip impingement with a tear of my outer hip tendon as well. He is going to repair a tear in my labrum, shave the bone down and then attempt to address my outer tendon tear and bursitis. I know some of you have had similar procedures.
My question is what to do before the surgery, ie…what exercises and/or stretches you would recommend? Also, any exercises you have had success with. Thanks in advance [/quote]
I seem to have FAI aswell (I’ll know for sure by the end of December) , it is usually accompanied by something called gilmores groin/ athletic pubalgia (look it up) I seemed to have had mine for the last two years without knowing, and carried on training as normal.
It has now led to a misaligned pelvis, testicular aches and muscle imbalances…
I would highly reccomend no strenuous exercise or movements that ivolve engaging your core as this could make your problems worse.
You will probably be advised not to train for 2-3 weeks after your operation, after that you will most likely be sent to a physio therapist to get everything
functional in the hips again.
After that some Soft tissue work and some functional/corrective exercises should help to fix any imbalances caused by the impingement and hopefully prevent it from happening again anytime soon.
Prior to the op I’d recommend resting and stretching of your legs and the pelvic floor muscles, as these are often affected by hip impingement and/or athletic pubalgia.
Just to clarify, I’m no expert, however I’ve done a lot of research on the subject, aswell as knowing people who have gone through the same ordeal… Not to mention the fact I seem to be going through it myself.