Dear T-Nation. I’m one of your biggest fans, I think I’ve read almost all of your articles. Honestly, I’m not expecting an answer but what the heck, I’ll try anyway. So, I’m a 1.85cm, 84kg meatless meathead (But I eat eggs and dairy, just meat is a no-no). After the imense amount of information, I got to the conclusion that I wasn’t training hard enough.
The big question is: Do you think that 6 days in a row for training is an overdue? I only get sundays off and honestly I would totally distroy the gym on sundays too…
I think I’ve got my nutrition on track now, after a few errors. I got a BMR of 2300 kcal, so I’m eating (with supplements) about 4000 kcal a day (2300 BMR + 600 - 800 on the workout + 300-400 daily activities + the growth). I’m trying to get about 1.5 - 2 grams of protein per kg (1 g per pound). I started working out back in august 2015 but my first months were a fiasco…
My workout is the following. I use supersets, dropsets and forced reps, rest time between 60 and 90 secs (depending on how I feel):
Monday - Chest day 1
Barbell Bench Press (2 warm-up sets + 4 working sets, 15, 12, 10, 8)
Inclinde Bench Press (4 sets)
Decline Becn Press (4 sets)
Flat bench Flyes - 3 sets
30 degrees Incline Bench Flyes - 3 sets
45 degrees Incline Bench Flyes - 3 sets
Cable flyes - from bottom to top (11 positions x 6 reps per position without rest) - 66 reps
Thuesday - Back day 1
Deadlifts - 2-3 warm-up sets + 4-5 working sets
Barbell bent over row - 4 sets
Pulldowns - 4 sets
Cable Rows (horizontal) - 4 sets
Cable rows (vertical) - 4 sets
Straight arm pulldowns - 4 sets
Wednesday - Legs days 1
10 min max incline treadmill warmup
Leg press - 10 working sets
Leg extensions - 6 sets
Leg Curls - 6 sets
Standing barbell calves raises - 5 sets
Goblet squats - 4 sets
Thursday - Arms day
Close grip bench press (2 warmup + 4 working sets)
Barbell lying extensions - 4 sets
Cable pushdows (straight bar) - 4 sets
Overhead Extensions (cable) - 4 sets
Reverse grip single arm pushdowns - 3 sets
Barbell curls - 5 sets or Dumbell curls - 5 sets
Cable curls with a handle for each hand, standing with the back at the machine (It’s king of a incline seated curl but with cables to increase TUT) - 4 sets (all dropsets)
Incline seated curls - 3 sets (dropsets)
Standing Hammer curls - 1 set - 120 total reps, 60 for each hand, without rest
Friday - Shoulders and Chest 2
Military press or dumbell seated press (2+4 working sets)
Seated lateral raises - 4 sets (light weight, focused on the form)
Rope face cable puls - 4 sets
Front raises (here I superset, 10 reps with palms us, 10 reps with neutral grip, 10 reps with palms down, no rest, 30 reps total) x 3 sets
Dumbells or machine revers flyes - 4-5 sets
Dumbell flat bench chest press - 4 sets
Dumbell 30 degrees bench chest press - 4 sets
Dumbell 45 degrees bench chest press - 4 sets
Dumbell Straight Arm pullover - 4 sets
Dips - If I’ve got some juice left
Saturday - Legs 2 + Back 2
Squats - 8 total sets
Romanian deadlift or stifflegs deadlift - 4 sets
Lunges - 4 sets
Dumbell rows (different variations) - 4 sets
Close grip high rows - 4 sets
Meadow or T-bar rows - 4 sets
And that’s about it… I’m looking to bulk the fuck up, I’ve strugled and thought about quiting 1000 times. Not eating meat is, for me, an ethical and moral choice, so please don’t…
I’ve managed to put on about 6 kgs, mostly muscle, since november, I’m making very slow progress in gaining weight. I’m at about 7% bodyfat because of the not eating meat thing (My Worldclass Gym has a 5000 euros Tanita weight thinghy that measures everything).
So that’s about it… Does this look like a recipe for disaster? Any qualified input is a blessing so feel free…
Thank you in advance!