Traditional Elk’s training log

AM workout

Airdyne 3x8:00/2:00
3.28, 3.29, 3.33 on each interval

Early morning engine work felt good. Picked a good pace, was challenging but still very sustainable. Could have held it for longer if I wanted to.

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AM workout

Front squat 3x5x170
Back extension 2x10

Press 5x3x125
Pull-ups 5x7

5 rounds
.5 mile airdyne
~200m run

Lifting felt strong today. Front squats were even easier than last week even though I went up in weight. 170 honestly felt too light, but I’m gonna continue a slow progression as I reintroduce squats. Gonna be patient and trust the process. Had an intentionally lighter day on upper body work, & it also moved extremely easy. With all that, I think I had more energy for the conditioning, as I was moving pretty quickly & still felt like I had a good bit in the tank when I got to the end. Feeling really good about how training is coming along at the moment

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AM workout

Barbell curls 3x12x55
Body weight overhead tricep extension 3x12
Deadbugs 3x5

Airdyne (1:1 work/rest) 4:00-2:00-1:00-0:30-0:15
1.7, .94, .55, .29, .16

Didn’t check the distances I got last time on this workout until after the second interval, & it turns out I went a little shorter on the first four minutes. Tried to make up for it on the 1 minute interval, but then didn’t have much more left in me after that. So total distance was .02 miles shorter than two weeks ago on this workout. Will just need to be sure to check up on that next time, as I definitely could have went harder in the first interval. Still a good training day. Deadbugs were really solid today, challenging but also felt like my core was really strong throughout

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AM workout

Incline bench 3x10x135
Power clean + hang clean EMOM 6- 2@135, 2@155, 2@165
Barbell rows 2x15x95

2 rounds (rest 2:00 between rounds)
.5 mile airdyne
15 thrusters 95
15 burpees
.5 mile airdyne
Finished at 4:05 & 4:07

Lost focus and brought the bar to my back in the middle of my second set on thrusters, which I imagine explains the slower time on round two, as I actually thought I moved faster on the second round. Cleans, especially the later sets, felt very strong and easy. I want to continue a slow build on these, but it’s nice that they feel so strong right now. Bench got a great pump in the chest, as did rows for my back. Good session today with some less than ideal sleep and home circumstances recently. Family has just been getting sick a lot lately. In the last 6 weeks, one of the three of us has been sick in 5 of those weeks, with the most recent being the wife getting hit by the stomach bug in the middle of the night through this morning

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PM workout

Squat 2x5x185
Kb press 2x10x45

4 mile airdyne: 9:18

Quick 15 minute workout this afternoon. Been fighting off some sickness the last two days and slept in this morning. Kind of frustrated at how often I & the rest of the fam have been getting sick. Just stinks. Trying to wash our hands a lot, but not much more we can do about it

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AM workout

EMOMx6- 2 snatches 4@95, 2@115

Pull-ups 2x8
Deadbugs 2x5
Back extension 2x10

Incline curls 3x10x15
Bodyweight overhead tricep extension 3x10

Running 6x1:30/0:30

Pushed pretty hard on the run. Felt like I was moving decently fast. Feeling mostly recovered from the stomach bug thing I had, so I pushed this like a normal training session. Consolidated some of today’s work with what I missed yesterday. Good stuff overall

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AM workout

Front squat 3x5x175
Back extension 2x10

Press 3x5x135
Pull-ups 3x10

3 rounds
1 mile airdyne
~400m run

Squat and presses didn’t fly today, but both moved solid. Can tell I have quite a bit more in the tank on squats. Presses, I’m not really as sure of where I’m at. Body weight is down to the low 180’s, and I’m very lean right now, but that may be bringing my press strength down a bit. Might hit an amrap sometime these next couple weeks to get an idea, as last time I did one it was under probably the worst possible circumstances. Pull-ups were easy today. Can tell my strength on those is progressing well. Conditioning was good as well, doubled the distance on the airdyne & tried to roughly double the distance on the run

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AM workout

Barbell curls 3x12x55
Band pushdowns 3x20
Deadbugs 3x5

Airdyne 9x0:30/1:30 (held 32-34 mph each interval)

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AM workout

Paused incline bench 3x5x155
EMOM 6x1 clean- 1@135, 1@155, 1@165, 1@175, 2@185
Barbell rows 2x10x115
Band pull aparts 2x15

3 rounds
10 deadlifts 135
10 line facing burpees
~200m run

Started the conditioning at a slower pace than I needed to, but sped up each round, so that’s a positive at least, although I definitely underestimated myself on it. Could’ve had a faster time if I was more aggressive. Lifting wasn’t bad today, 185 was solid on cleans. Looking forward to getting some extra sleep tomorrow morning. Also, I can tell my physique is starting to get a bit smaller. I’m definitely super lean, but being down 7-10 lbs from my usual weight has me looking thinner. I’d like to get back up to around 185, but all these sicknesses recently have made that tough. As I get into a normal rhythm again I’m sure some of that will return to normal, and I can always do a strength focused block again to add some weight back if I stay too light

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AM workout

Squat 3x5x205
Back extension 2x10

Press 3x10x95
Chin-ups 3x10

20 minute airdyne- 7.85 miles

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AM workout

3 rounds
5-5-5 chin-ups
30 reverse lunges 95
.75 mile airdyne
Finished at 16:26

30 body weight overhead tricep extension

Going against what I’ve done for a long time, & think I’m gonna follow CrossFit linchpin workouts for a little bit. Will probably add some of my own stuff in as I have time, but I’ve never really just followed someone else’s program without myself at least planning it. Might not last too long, but I’m excited to give it a shot for a little bit at least

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AM workout

Airdyne 20x:30/:30 (held around 28-28.5 mph) total of 5.57 miles covered

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AM workout

Bench 10-5-5 x185

3 rounds
~400m run
12 deadlifts 185
21 lateral bench jump-overs
Finished at 13:02

First time flat benching in about 3 months. 185 for 10 isn’t great, but I could tell a lot of that was just how foreign the movement felt today. Definitely much room for improvement there, & I’m sure it’ll happen quickly.

Definitely felt silly doing hops over the bench, & I’m glad I did this at 0500 so nobody was up to see me, but man, coupled with deadlifts & running that made for a really hard workout. Liking the little bit of “excitement” I get from not knowing what tomorrows workout is until pretty much right before bed the night before

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AM workout

5 rounds not for time
30 sit-ups (only 20 the last 3 rounds)
8 kickstand squats R 30
3 weighted pull-ups 30
8 kickstand squats L 30
3 weighted chin-ups 30

20 back extension

Sit-ups got pretty difficult today. Literally probably haven’t done one in 8 years or something, so I think I might end up sore from those. Whole workout took around 22 minutes before the back extensions.

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AM workout

45 minute airdyne- 16.75 miles

Like to see stuff like this programmed once in a while. Good to keep up that aerobic base.

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AM workout

E2MOM x30 min (15 sets)- 1 hang power snatch
3x115, 9x135, 3x155

Incline curls 15-12-12x15
Body weight overhead tricep ext 15-12-12

50 band pull aparts

Snatches felt decent today, weight selection was good. A couple lighter sets then the majority at a solid weight, then a final couple reps that were pretty tough. Got some arms & band pull aparts done in remaining time. My plan for next week is to do a bench or press workout on Sunday with some other pump work as opposed to the aerobic work I did this Sunday, then during the week only add accessory work at the end on days I have time. For that extra work, I’d like to do two days of band pull aparts and back extension, then one day of arms like I did today. Will see how that goes next week & evaluate from there, but I realized that Monday suffered a bit by trying to cram in a bench session before the workout, & that I care more about making those two of good quality as opposed to squeezing those and an extra aerobic session in.

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AM workout

For time:
10 front squats 185
50 strict press 95
(Rest 3 mins)
10 front squats 185
50 inverted rows
(Rest 3 mins)
10 front squats 185
50 burpees

Times were 7:34, 5:08, & 5:45

Lots of muscular fatigue on this. Front squats were tough but manageable to keep unbroken the whole time. Did 10 sets of 5 on press, which was reasonable. The rows & burpees both got much tougher than I thought, & I started to catch an Ab cramp with about 7 burpees left, which slowed me down significantly on those. Tough, fun workout today. Really enjoyed this first week of the program. All five of the workouts were very distinctly different from one another, which is not something I’ve ever done before. Good stuff

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Yesterday’s training

Paused bench 3x5x175

Fat grip barbell curls 3x10x55
Band pull aparts 3x15

Todays AM workout

E3MOMx18 min- ~400m run
Times were 1:54,1:47,1:46,1:45,1:42,1:43

20 back extension
50 band pull aparts

Alright, so the last month or two I’ve had this worry that I’m short changing all my runs, & that this was less than 400m. Today pretty much confirmed the opposite to me. Having run a 7:20 mile just a few weeks ago, I know what a 1:50 400m feels like, & today was significantly faster than that. Now, honestly this a good thing, as I’d rather know this than worry the opposite, but it does make my “400m times” look slower. Which again is fine haha. Anyways, this was a good workout today. Pushed hard on it, & was nice to do no loading after a few days with mainly lifting

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AM workout

EMOM 20 (5 sets)
1: 3 deadlifts 225
2: rest
3: 12 pull-ups
4: rest

Not a terribly difficult workout overall, but definitely got something out of the deadlifts. I never really deadlift, so even a few small sets at a super moderate weight gave some kind of training effect, and 60 total pull-ups is always good to get in. Today was really the complete opposite of yesterday, & that’s what has been so interesting about this training the last week and a half. Liking it

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AM workout

Juarez valley double kettlebell front squats
10-1-9-2… 2x45 lb bells
5 kettlebell facing burpees after each round
Finished at 8:38

BTN press 3x10x75
Incline curls 3x10x15

Prescribed workout for today was 150 wallballs for time, but I don’t have a wallball. So I chose a squat based workout that I thought would take 6-8 minutes, & landed on Juarez valley. It was definitely more moderate reps/moderate weight as opposed to light weight/high reps, but I’m decently pleased with the substitution. It ended up being a pretty brutal workout. Got some pump work in at the end, but with how tired I was I’m kind of questioning if it had much value at all. Oh well, hopefully it elicited a slight benefit

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