AM workout
Paused incline bench 10-7/3-6/4x135
Barbell rows 3x10x115
Incline curls 3x15x15
Body weight overhead tricep extension 3x15
Double kb front squat 1x20x45’s
I’ve had some trouble sleeping so far this week, so last night I tried to go to bed extra early to ensure somewhat adequate rest. Unfortunately, my kid threw up a few times in the middle of the night, so that plan went out the window. Turned my alarm to train off in the middle of the night, with the plan of just getting up to go to work & train tomorrow, but then I woke up at my normal time & figured I’d just go knock it out so I could sleep in a bit later tomorrow. With all that considered, it wasn’t a bad day. Was pleased with all the work that got done. The set of 20 squats at the end was a nice touch-wanted to get a bit of lower body in even though I’m short on time at the end of the workout. Might stick with those or might do something different next week, we’ll see
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AM workout
Clean & press + front squat 8+3- 4x85, 1x95
Fat grip barbell curls 5x8x55
Back extension 2x15
Kneeling Ab wheel 1x10
Added weight on the last set of clean & press, which was very tough. Might just try to increase to that weight one set at a time. Rest of the workout was very solid. Took about 25 mins total.
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Weekend update- got in 40 minute walks on both mornings, then a bunch of other general activity as well
AM workout
Clean & press + front squat 3x8+4x85, 2x8+4x95
Fat grip barbell curls 5x8x55
Back extension 2x15
Kneeling ab wheel 1x10
Good days work. Been losing weight (unintentionally), & I’m down to about 183 in the mornings. Can tell I’m looking very lean, but also smaller without some of the extra meat on my shoulders & back. This is probably just what it’ll stick with for now, as it would be difficult to make time to eat more, & training volume is towards the lower end right now as well
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Quick update-got the stomach bug Tuesday. Lost about 8 lbs. Still recovering from the dehydration. Got my first workout in today since that.
Squat 3x5x185
Press 3x5x115
Pull-ups 5x6
Back extension 2x10
Airdyne 5x2:00 on/1:00 off
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AM workout
Paused front squat 3x3x135
Paused slow press 3x6x105
C2b chin up 3x6
4 rounds
.5 mile airdyne
~200m run
Finished at 10:18 at a moderately difficult effort level
Realizing now that I forgot back extensions. Meant to do those after the squats. Oh well. I knew I was skipping something by accident but didn’t give it much thought. Will make sure I get those in next time. Pretty good session today, thinking that for now I’d like to be getting in some cardio with higher intensity than just walking, so I’m scaling the lifting back a tad to do so. Will probably try to focus on squatting, overhead pressing, & pull-ups during this time, with some variations of each of those
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AM workout
Kneeling Ab wheel 3x10
Back extension 3x10
Incline curls 2x15x15
Barbell overhead tricep extension 2x15x45
Airdyne 6x1:00/1:00
Tried out a Tuesday morning workout today, as I’m considering adding this into the weekly work to get an extra training day in. Not sure if it will stick. I’ll decide before next week, but all in all not bad stuff today. Got some assistance in that I didn’t have time for yesterday, then some good conditioning work
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AM workout
Paused incline bench 3x8x135
Power clean + high hang clean EMOM 6x1+1x135
Barbell rows 3x10x95
4 rounds
8 thrusters 95
~200m run
Finished at 7:26
Good work today. None of the lifting was super difficult, but still some solid sets of everything. Didn’t push the conditioning to the max, but was still tired & out of breath at the end. It had a good effect
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AM workout
Squat 3x5x185
Back extension 3x10
Paused press 3x6x115
Pull-ups 10,8,8
Airdyne 4x4:00/1:00 increasing pace slightly each interval
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AM workout
Hang snatch 5x3x95
Good morning 3x6x95
Ab wheel 3x10
Incline curls 3x12x15
Band pushdowns 3x20
Running 5x2:00/1:00
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AM workout
Front squat 3x5x155
Press 3x10x95
Chin-ups 3x10
Band pull aparts accumulate 50 reps
5 rounds
.5 mile airdyne
~200m run
Finished at 12:34
Squatting is starting to feel normal again after almost two months off from it. Supersetted the press and chin ups, starting a set each minute. Both movements held up solid throughout, so that was good. Hamstrings are pretty sore from good mornings on Saturday, so I opted for some shoulder/upper back work with the pull aparts instead of back extensions. Seemed like a good choice for today. Then, conditioning was solid. Held a faster pace for a longer duration than last week, & still had more in the tank. All in all, good stuff today
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AM workout
Kneeling Ab wheel 3x10
Back extension 3x10
Incline curls 2x15x15
Barbell overhead tricep extension 2x15x45
Airdyne (1:1 work/rest)
Distances 1.75-0.94-0.52-0.29-0.16
Airdyne intervals/sprints were brutal. Back in the day I would do those every week, & today was a reminder that those are probably max pain of any exercise out there.
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AM workout
Paused incline bench 1x9x155
Power clean EMOM 6x2x135
Barbell rows 3x10x95
3 rounds
~200m run
5 squat cleans 135
10 burpees
Finished at 8:20
Can tell I’m a touch under the weather with some congestion/sinus stuff. Breathing is tougher than usual right now, which probably contributed to the feeling of death on the conditioning. Nonetheless, good session today. Power cleans felt smoother than last week, and I’ll be looking for continual improvement there. It’s good to be doing some harder conditioning again as well. Not sure if the running distance is actually 200m or even close, but it’s been taking me about 1:05-1:15 depending on the workout & fatigue levels. I know I’m not running fast right now, but I might eventually try to measure out the distance to get an accurate number there
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AM workout
Squat 3x5x195
Press 1x10x135
C2b pull ups 2x7
Back extension 2x10
Airdyne 5x:30/2:30
Man. I’ve slept pretty poorly this whole week, combined with some sinus stuff/being under the weather. All in all, I felt absolutely terrible heading out to the garage to train this morning. Glad that I got something in, but this was pretty miserable. Squats were alright, but the press was almost an amrap set, which is not good for this weight. But, I know this is pretty much my absolute floor, so that’s good at least. Just got a little bit of work in with the accessories, then some short but fast intervals on the airdyne. Hoping that the three day weekend will allow me to catch up on some much needed sleep and recovery
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AM workout
4 rounds
5 goblet squats 45
5 good mornings 45
Fat grip barbell curls 3x10x45
Incline curls 3x10x15
Overhead barbell tricep extension 3x10x45
Band pushdowns 3x15
Running 6x2:00/0:30
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AM workout
Front squat 3x5x165
Press 3x6x125
Pull-ups 5x8
Back extension 2x10
5 rounds
.5 mile airdyne
~200m run
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AM workout
Ab wheel 2x5 standing + 5 kneeling
Incline curls 2x15x15
Barbell overhead tricep extension 2x15x45
Airdyne 18x0:30/0:30
Total 4.95 miles (held around 27.5-28.5 mph each interval)
Had a fun Labor Day weekend. Was off my typical nutrition plan for most meals, so I ended up losing a couple lbs, but I’m sure it’ll come right back as I get back into rhythm. Also mostly recovered from the sinus stuff, so hopefully this week will mostly be back to normal
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AM workout
Incline bench 3x5x165
Power clean + hang power clean EMOM 6x1+1- 3@135, 3@155
Barbell rows 3x10x95
4 rounds
10 thrusters 95
~200m run
Finished at 7:10
Same conditioning workout as two weeks ago, except I added two reps on each set of thrusters & finished 16 seconds quicker. Pretty solid progress for a short amount of time. Lifting was solid as well. Bench was tough, & I kept to 90 seconds rest between sets, so by the end it was very difficult. Cleans felt smooth, I can tell they are improving week by week
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AM workout
Squat 3x5x205
Back extension 2x10
Paused press 4x4x135
Pull-ups 1x23
8.5 mile airdyne ~22:30
Kiddo was throwing up from around 0100-0400 this morning, so I took the day off work to watch her. Luckily, she was super content to watch me train in the garage, so I got this whole session in under her supervision. Honestly, everything felt strong today, although I have to remember this is the difference between training at 0430 & 1030. With that said, it was good work today that I’m happy with
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AM workout
Power snatch + snatch + hang snatch 5x1+1+1x95
Deadbug 2x5
Fat grip barbell curls 3x10x45
Incline curls 3x10x15
Barbell overhead tricep extensions 3x10x45
Band pushdowns 3x15
1 mile run- 7:20
Love to still have a good arm day on Saturdays. Lifting was good. That mile run destroyed me. I guess 7:20 isn’t terrible, but lots of room to improve as I get my conditioning back
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