Traditional Elk’s training log

AM workout

4.35 mile run- 45:02

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AM workout

Hang power clean 2x5x155
Plank 4x:30

Double kb front squat 2x10x45
Back extension 2x10

Db curls 5x20
Band pushdowns 5x20

Really was not wanting to train today. Low energy & didn’t have any motivation, but I dragged myself out there & punched the clock. Got through the main lifts by promising myself once I was done I’d hit 100 reps of bi’s and tri’s. I’m loving the results of training right now, but man the lifting can get really boring

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AM workout

3.43 mile run- 37:54

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AM workout

Dips 5x12, 4x10
Db rows 5x10x65
Band pull aparts 4x20

Lateral raise rest pause to 40 reps w/10’s

Hammer curls w/ pause at top 3x10x30

Hopping off plan for now, and instead of a barbell progression, gonna just get a huge pump on my 2 upper body days. Not sure how long I’ll do this for, but it was the right call today at least.

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AM workout

4.34 miles run- 45:34

10 min warm up
4x2:00 run/1:00 walk
4x4:00 run/1:00 walk
Cool down run for a few minutes

Did the intervals around a 8:30-9:00 pace, which wasn’t too hard. Can definitely push them much more. Solid work today though. Got a longer run planned for Saturday

AM workout

Db incline bench 4x10x50
Pull-ups 5x10

Band pushdowns 4x15
Db curls 4x12

Lu raises 2x15

Solid workout. Not as thrilled with today as I was with Monday. Db incline is something I’ve never done, so it’s tough to get a hard set without the db’s being all over the place. Plus the dips just worked so well earlier this week that I guess there was bound to be a step back. Might just hammer dips for a few workouts with that in mind though

AM workout

5.04 mile run- 55:14

Avg HR 151. Felt really solid. Was happy with being able to keep my heart rate within reason even with a lot of hills on the golf course. & mile 5 ended up being my fastest. Good stuff all around

Bonus mid morning workout

Kb press 5x10x45
Chin-ups 5x10

Accumulate 2:00 plank

Had some free time with the family away, got in a quick upper body session

AM workout

Front foot elevated reverse lunges 3x10x single 45 lb kb
Deadbugs 3x5
Back extensions 3x13

Dumbbell curls 4x15
Barbell Skullcrushers 4x15

The couple new/novel movements have me feeling this even though total volume was not super high. I need to remember how effective simply changing movements is

AM workout

4.17 mile run- 45:46

Good start to the training week. In two weeks, these 2x/ week “base” runs go up to 1 hour each

AM workout

Dips 5x12
Db rows 5x10x65

Db press 2x10, 2x8x45
Band pull aparts 4x20

Hammer curls 4x8x35

The presses were much harder than the extra dips last week. This was a great workout. I’m thinking I want to just do more compound pressing exercises for assistance as opposed to isolation for the tri’s and delts. Will still do isolation stuff for back/bi’s but more variety in pressing movements should be a good change for a little while. Db press was definitely the right call today

AM workout

4.51 mile run- 45:57

Did a total of 3 miles at an “up tempo”, which ended up being between a 9:30-9:45, & the rest at a warm up/recovery/cool down pace. This ended up being one of the harder running workouts I’ve done

AM workout

Bench 5x135,155,175,185,195
Band pull aparts 4x20

Incline bench 2x15x115
Kb row 15,15,20x45

Barbell curls 3x12x65
Plank 3x:45

Really liked today’s session. I’m thinking I might get back into benching, & set some concurrent benching & running goals. Had the idea of focusing on just one lift, then just some hypertrophy for everything else on my three lifting days, then continuing the three days a week of running. Thinking I’ll roll with that for a week as a test run, with bench being the focus lift

AM workout

5.47 mile run- 58:13

Good work this morning. Not much more to it. Aerobic engine is getting better. Avg HR was 153 while holding a 10:40 pace for about an hour. Solid

AM workout

Bench 4x5x170
Band pull aparts 4x20

Press w/2 sec pause & slow descent 4x5x115
Weighted chins 4x8x30

Squat 2x5x185
Dumbbell curl w/ twist 2x15

Only had a couple mins left for the squat & curls, so I hit a couple quick light sets. The bar moved fine & felt fine, but my legs are still kind of tired. Some of that is surely fatigue from yesterday, but also my legs just aren’t in shape to squat since I haven’t done it in a few weeks

AM workout

4.16 mile run- 45:43

Did 3x15 seconds of strides towards the end, which felt good. This first run of the week is always my easiest day, as Thursday will be some kind of intervals & Saturday I’ll push longer and run somewhere with hills

AM workout

Front squat 3x5x185
Bench 3x5x160
Weighted pull-up 3x5x45

Banded curls 40/30/30
Banded pushdowns 40/30/30

Good lift this morning. All compound movements were just heavy enough to get a stimulus from, but moved really smooth and fast

AM workout

4.40 mile run- 45:04

10 min warm up
6 min fast/1 min walk
2x4 min fast/1 min walk
4x2 min fast/1 min walk
6 min cool down

Pushed the pace hard on the intervals. Not max effort, but this was by far the hardest running workout I’ve done since getting back into it. I think I was close to 8:30 pace on the first interval, around 8 on the next two, & 7:30-8:00 on the last four

AM workout

Front squat 3x5x185
Bench 3x5x160
Weighted pull-up 3x5x45

Kb press w/pause at top & bottom 3x12x45
Db curl w/pause 3x12x20

Another solid session. Enjoying the full body lifts. I already felt a bit stronger today

AM workout

6.01 mile run- 1:03:40

Legs are feeling it. First week squatting again combined with this have me ready to lay on the couch and watch football today