Traditional Elk’s training log

AM workout

2.30 mile run- 23:47

Hang cleans 2x5x155
Press 1x10x115

Plank 2x:30
Band pull aparts 1x50

Barbell curls 1x100 (35 lb bar)
Band push downs 2x50

AM workout

4.00 mile run- 40:56

AM workout

Squat 3x3x225
Deadbugs 3x5

Hammer curls 3x10x30
Dips 3x10
Lu raises 3x10
Band pull aparts 1x25

Really just unsure of what to go forward with on the lifting. My newest idea is to go back to a 5/3/1 style setup of one lift a day, but with power cleans instead of deadlifts. I may stick with easy strength reps/sets, then some hypertrophy work after. I’ll probably try this for a couple weeks, then evaluate. I hate to be a “program hopper” but if I know something isn’t going to work for me, I might as well jump ship early rather than later

PM workout

1.93 mile run- 21:50

Effort was nice and easy, though my heart rate crept up towards the end due to the heat outside

AM workout

Press 3x3x135, 5x10x95
Pull-ups 8x7

Deadbugs 2x5
Back extension 2x10

Had another new idea for a plan- combine the power clean & squat days into one since they will both be low volume. Then I’d have 3 days of lifting, & can run the other 3 days while still having a rest day & not having to do any two a days. When I’m free to do it, two a days are nice, but it’s tough to have them planned 2-3 days a week. Might try this next week & see if it fits well. I’ve looked back at my log from October of last year for how I did it then, as my running + lifting was going pretty well then. Always good to have those notes to look back on

AM workout

2.82 mile run- 32:05

Heart rate stayed in the 140’s almost the whole time, which was solid. Definitely a slow pace, but it’s still cool to finish 30 minutes of running and not really feel “tired”

AM workout

Bench 3x3x175, 5x10x135
Pull-ups 8x7

Hammer curls 3x10x30
Band push downs 3x15
Lu raises 3x10x10

Will run both days this weekend. Today was the first time benching in a pretty long time, so all things considered it went fine. Got a gnarly pump from everything today. Happy with this & with the direction that I think I’m going with training

AM workout

4.23 mile run- 45:29

AM workout

4.01 mile run- 45:43

Carried quite a bit of fatigue coming into this I guess, & it was pretty hot this morning. Pace was meh, but happy to get in the work this morning anyways

PM workout

6 mile airdyne- 16:36

Easy bonus aerobic session since my wife wanted to workout, so I hung out in the garage with her. Held a conversation or was nose breathing the whole time

AM workout

Press 3x3x135, 5x10x95
Pull-ups 8x7

Db curls 4x12x25
Band push downs 4x15
Band pull aparts 4x25

Good lift today after a lot of conditioning over the past few days. Plan is to do power cleans & squats tomorrow, then bench on Friday

AM workout

Power clean 3x3x185
Deadbugs 2x5

Squat 3x3x225
Plank 2x:30

Lu raises 3x12x10
Banded curls 2x30
Band push downs 1x30

Power cleans moved great today. Squats were fine, not super fast but a solid speed anyways. Overall today seemed solid to get in some lower body work without too much volume that I’ll be wrecked for a while. The plan is always subject to change, but I liked this today

AM workout

3.01 mile run- 33:14

Average HR was 147, good stuff. Solid work today considering I did power cleans and squats yesterday

AM workout

Bench 3x3x175, 5x10x135
Pull-ups 8x7

Hammer curls 2x15x30
Band push downs 2x15
Back extensions 2x10

Good work today. My physique does seem a bit more solid than two weeks ago when I started doing this upper body hypertrophy work, so that’s good. I’ve unintentionally lost a few pounds, I’m down to about 187 as opposed to the 190-192 range I usually sit in. Definitely leaner now. I’m not trying to change my body weight, but I’m not opposed to this either, especially as I get leaner without losing any size

AM workout

4.30 mile run- 45:43

Really enjoyed running on a golf course before it opened this morning. Felt great outside & some really nice new scenery. Also allowed some bigger changes in elevation as opposed to the flat roads I’m usually running on. All in all this was a great morning

AM workout

3.01 mile run- 34:25

Barbell curls w/35 lb bar
Band pushdowns

Kept the run really light. Avg HR was 145, felt solid the whole time. I did wait a little later in the morning, so the heat became a factor today, but nothing too major. Thinking I’m gonna switch my runs to Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday & lift Wednesday/Friday/Sunday this coming week. Still tinkering with the schedule just like I have been for the past month and a half to see what works

AM workout

4.01 mile run- 45:52

Avg HR 146

AM workout

Press 3x3x135, 5x10x95
Pull-ups 8x7

Hammer curls 3x15x30
Band pushdowns 3x15
Lu raises 3x10

Good work today. Happy with the way my body is responding to this training. Resting heart rate seems to be dropping every 2-3 weeks & physique is improving. This really seems like the epitome of “look good, feel good” with both of these factors getting better.
Got an interval/fartlek run planned for tomorrow morning

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AM workout

3.83 mile run (fartlek intervals)- 41:00

10 minute warm up
5x3 min ~9:30/2 min ~12:00 (25 min total)
6 minute cool down

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AM workout

Bench 3x3x175, 5x10x135
Pull-ups 8x7

Dips 12,10,10
Hammer curls 3x8x35
Band pull aparts 2x25

Good work today. The bench/pull-ups were noticeably easier today, so it’s good to see the improvement there. May bump up the work on that next week. Could add weight to the bar or reps to the pull-ups, or both.

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