Traditional Elk’s training log

AM workout

1.39 mile run- 14:38

Weighted pull ups 3x8x45

Deadbugs 2x5
Goblet squat 2x10x45
Band push downs 2x25

Shorter day today, but some solid work. Back is feeling mostly better, but gonna be patient before loading it again with squats & pulls. Got some lawn mowing coming up now

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AM workout

Bench 5x10x135
Curls 5x10

Planks 2x:30
Back extension 2x15
Band pull aparts 2x25

30 minute airdyne- 11.43 miles

Good session today. I’ve noticed myself getting a bit smaller, so the 5x10 press & bench work recently have made a noticeable difference in my physique, even if it’s light work. I’ve also had the time to do it without squatting/Olympic lifting the last week. Will need to figure out the best way to continue to fit the benching/pressing in as that lower body stuff returns. The good news is it only takes about 10 minutes, so not a huge commitment to do that 2-3 times a week

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AM workout

Hang snatch 3x3x95

Squat 3x3x185

Pullups 3x10
Deadbugs 2x5

1.41 mile run- 14:24

Snatches and squats were fine on my back. Kept it light to get back into it, but they moved well. Running after that was a little bit tougher. Good work today

AM workout

Press 5x10x95
Curls 5x10

Band pull aparts 2x25
Planks 2x:30
Back extension 2x15

20 minute airdyne- 8.11 miles

Conditioning on the airdyne is just getting better and better. Held this pace no problem. The volume press is also going much smoother after a couple sessions of this, & physique is looking less deflated lol

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AM workout

Hang snatch 1x2x95, 1x2x115, 3x2x135

Deadlift 3x10x185

Plank 2x:30

1.03 mile run- 8:45

Deadlifts felt fine on my back, which is good. Solid day, & pushed the run to a pretty good pace

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AM workout

5 rounds
Long run down street & back
1.5 mile airdyne
Finished at 37:54

Added distance to the run & bike from the last couple weeks, & went to a longer total time. Run took about a minute extra, & bike about 1:15-1:30 extra depending on if I kept the same pace or slowed down. Since I had nothing to compare this to, I was able to keep the pace more aerobic, as opposed to going out fast and trying to survive

AM workout

Bench 5x10x135
Curls 5x10

Squats 3x3x205
Band pull aparts 2x25

Deadbugs 2x5

Airdyne 12x:30 on/:30 off
3.61 miles completed

Squats felt really solid. Back sometimes is bothering me, but it’s not while training, & I seem to be able to do everything I need to just fine, so it is what it is. The 5x10’s on bench & press are getting easier as well, so I may hop up in weight in the next week or two if things go to plan

AM workout

1.03 mile run- 10:09

Emom 10
9 deadlifts at 185
10 kb front squats 2x45

Pullups 3x10
Plank 2x:30

That deadlift/front squat Emom really is magic. It’s brutal, & has to be one of the best things I’ve added in recently. Really pleased with the improvements it’s showing in other areas, let alone just in the Emom itself. I think it has to have been a huge factor in me being able to clean 300 a couple weeks ago without ANY heavy cleaning leading up to it

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AM workout

30 minute airdyne- 12.06 miles

Back has been hurting since not longer after finishing the deadlifts & front squats yesterday. not sure about my plan for now. We’ll see what happens with it. I’ll keep pushing conditioning regardless, and the airdyne was super solid today

PM workout

1.32 mile run- 12:49

Press 5x10x95
Curls 5x10

Chins 2x12
20 back extensions
20 air squats

Just a little movement at the end to work out some stiffness. Run & press went well today, knocked these out after a pretty long day at work and in some major heat

AM workout

20 min airdyne- 7.72 miles

1x20 pull-ups
2x:30 plank

Only breathed out of my nose for pretty much the whole bike. 20 pull-ups was not an extremely hard challenge afterwards, which is really awesome considering how much less I’ve been doing them recently. Definitely had a few more reps left in me.

AM workout

Bench 5x10x135
Db curls 5x10

Deadbugs 2x5
Band pull aparts 2x25

10 rounds
.5 mile airdyne
10 line facing burpees (one less rep each round…10-1)
Finished at 15:48

Did this same conditioning workout three weeks ago, & improved by over a minute today. Solid

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AM workout

2.05 mile run- 21:19

Did this at 9:00, & it was brutally hot. Not a super quick pace, but can’t expect much more in this heat

PM workout

15 minute airdyne- 5.54 miles

Been sick since Sunday. Still have a sore throat & not feeling great, but it was time to at least move around a little bit. Hoping I’m back to full health soon, as this has just dragged on for a while, & I was just sick about a month or so ago. But with that said, I’m more excited about training than I have been in a while. Absence makes the heart grow fonder I guess. & it’s been good to make sure I’m not making my back any worse, but actually giving it time to get better

PM workout

Press 2x5x135
Pullups 2x10
Goblet squat 2x10x45
Back extension 2x15

Got a couple sets of push, pull, squat, & hinge. Still on the mend from being sick, so these were all easy sets, but I knew I needed to do some more movement today

PM workout

15 minute airdyne- 5.64 miles

Barbell curls 2x25
Band push downs 2x25
Back extensions 2x15

Still feeling sick. Schedule is all out of whack so I did this at 8:30 pm. Better than nothing for the day though

PM workout

15 minute airdyne- 6.01 miles

2x25 barbell curls
2x25 band push downs
2x10 goblet squats 45 lbs
2x15 back extension

Thinking that my family & I have all had RSV this past week or so. We are all still sick, though it looks like we’re trending upwards which is good. I have a wicked earache, & some congestion, but other than that feeling fine. Just looking forward to the day I wake up & don’t have any of this sickness

PM workout

Press 3x10x115
Weighted pull-ups 3x7x45

Wanted to touch some real weights again. Definitely felt heavier than it should’ve, but that’s to be expected while sick. Did this in under 15 minutes this afternoon

AM workout

BTN press 4x10x95
Hammer curls 4x10x30

Quick pump this morning. Finally starting to feel close to normal again. Hopefully will do some cardio this afternoon/evening.

PM workout

20 minute airdyne- 8.29 miles

Pushed this decently hard. Still not nearly at 100%, but I had it in me to go faster than I have been on this, so that’s good. Still recovering from this RSV