PM workout 2
Squat 3x3x245
Press 2x5x135
30 min airdyne- 11.5 miles
Easy session, but some solid, important work that I missed when sick earlier this week. Planning another double session tomorrow
PM workout 2
Squat 3x3x245
Press 2x5x135
30 min airdyne- 11.5 miles
Easy session, but some solid, important work that I missed when sick earlier this week. Planning another double session tomorrow
AM workout
Cleans- singles to 275
10 min amrap
5 squat cleans at 135
10 handstand push-ups
15 cal row
Finished 4+5
Planning to do some running & pull-ups/upper body assistance work tonight
PM workout
1.41 mile run- 14:30
Pull ups 3x10/1 min rest
100 banded curls
Deadbugs 2x5
Nice, quick evening session. Got some good work in. Nothing too intense, but running & a quick pump was super solid
AM workout
30 minutes of work
Run down the street and back
1 mile airdyne
Finished 5 rounds plus the run & .68 miles on the airdyne. A little bit farther than last week. I tried to pick up the pace about 10 minutes in, but it backfired & I kind of burned out. Probably could have gone a bit farther on the bike if I was more consistent, but who knows. Gotta push that envelope sometimes, even when it doesn’t pay off
AM workout
Press 3x3x135
Db curls 3x10x20
Squat 3x3x225
Band pull apart 2x25
Deadbugs 2x5
Back extension 2x15
5 mile airdyne- 12:05
I’ve had trouble figuring out what exactly to do Monday-Thursday, & this might be a good way forward for Monday. Superset the press & squatting each with some assistance work, hit some core work, then conditioning. Then can make tomorrow running, kb front squat/deadlift Emom, & pull-ups. Wednesday can be a long bike, Thursday more running, pressing, & squatting, then CrossFit style stuff on Friday & Saturday still. Although, in a few weeks my schedule will change again, so while this is great for the next two weeks, after that we will see…
AM workout
1.02 mile run- 10:17
Emom 10
Odd: 7 deadlifts at 185
Even: 10 kb front squats with 2x45 lb kb’s
Pullups 4x10/ 1 minute rest (broke last set 8-2)
Felt like I was moving pretty well on the run. Half expected my time/pace to be faster than it was, but not disappointed in how it went. Glad to be creeping toward a more respectable pace & work rate there. I felt like an absolute juggernaut on the deadlift/front squat combo. It was getting very difficult about halfway through, but I just kept coming back for more. Heart rate was super high at the end of each set, but once the new minute started I was always on to the next movement. With that said…pull-ups right after were really tough. Overall a really good session this morning
AM workout
30 minute airdyne- 11.26 miles
Started slow & increased the pace around every 10 minutes. Next time I think I’ll be able to start out a little faster than today, but a rough night of sleep & just feeling trash this morning meant I started out more conservative. Good stuff for today. Aerobic work is coming along well
PM workout
Hang snatch 4x2x155
Had some extra time this afternoon & got this in. Felt strong/fast
AM workout
1.03 mile run- 10:20
Press 3x3x135
Db curls 3x10
Squat 3x3x225
Band pull aparts 2x25
Plank 2x:30
Back extension 2x15
Schedule was packed yesterday so I took an unplanned rest day. I have already gotten extra work in this week though so I was alright with it. Another good day of training today
PM workout
Hang snatch 2x2x95, 115, 3x2x135
Clean doubles at 185, 205, 225
Pull-ups 3x10
Deadbugs 2x5
10 rounds
.5 mile airdyne
10-1 Line facing burpees (10 in first round, take away one rep each round)
Finished in 16:52
Cleans didn’t feel good, but getting some work on those will help. Snatches & assistance were fine. I really dug pretty deep on the conditioning. It was pretty brutal. Definitely some good work today. Still figuring out what works best in terms of splitting work up by days, but I’m definitely getting better
AM workout
30 minutes of
Run down the street and back
1 mile airdyne
Finished 6 rounds with about 5 seconds to spare. I’ve slowly ticked up the total work completed these past few weeks on this workout. 6 rounds is solid. Will decide next week if I keep it at 30 minutes, or do 6 rounds for time, or add time/distance to something. Lots of options but I like having a run/bike day on Sunday
AM workout
Press 3x3x135
Db curls 3x10
Squat 3x3x225
Band pull aparts 2x25
Deadbugs 2x5
Back extensions 2x15
Airdyne 7x1:00 on/1:00 off- 3.7 miles total
Press & squat work felt really strong today. Hoping to keep moving them like I did today, in which case I’ll go up a little bit of weight soon. It was also good to get some intervals in on the airdyne. I’ve done mostly just steady state or metcons on it, so moving it fast was a new stimulus, & a really good one at that. Not sure how often I’ll be doing an interval workout like this on the bike, but I need to at least a little bit more often
AM workout
1.5 mile run- 16:40
Emom 10
8 deadlifts at 185
10 kb front squats 2x45
Pullups 3x10
Deadbugs 2x5
AM workout
30 minute airdyne- 11.91 miles
Started off with a pace that worried me a little bit, but I was able to hold on & actually increase speed towards the back half.
PM workout
Clean singles building up to 300
Deadbugs 2x5
Didn’t have any training planned for this afternoon, but the time opened up & I was fired up anyways, so I got some heavy lifting in. 300 was tough, but I hit it after quite a bit of activity & training already today, so this was cool. This is 25 lbs more than anything I had done recently, & the first time I’ve cleaned 300 since maybe 2020 or so
AM workout
1.01 mile run-10:46
Press 1x10x105, 4x10x95
Db curls 5x12
Back extension 3x15
Plank 2x:30
Deadbugs 2x5
So yesterday when I was doing cleans, the baby was napping so I had to bring the weight down to the floor instead of dropping it so it wouldn’t wake her up. I think on one of my last couple singles I may have tweaked my back a little bit, as it hurts a bit today. Hopefully nothing too bad, but I took off squatting today & added some extra core work to hopefully help. Even if it is injured for a little longer, I’ve rehabbed this plenty of times so I’m not too worried. With that said, I hope within a few days/maybe a week it’s back to normal & nothing any longer than that
AM workout
45 minute airdyne- 16.59 mile
Deadbugs 2x5
Pullups 6x5
Back extension 6x5
Air squats 5x10
Push-ups 5x10
Tried to move through pretty quick after the bike. Just getting some movements in without loading the spine
AM workout
2.04 mile run- 20:18
Bench 5x10x135
Band pull aparts 5x10
Dips 3x10
Barbell curls 3x10 (1x45, 2x65)
Planks 2x:30
AM workout
30 minutes of work
Run down the street and back
1 mile airdyne
Deadbugs 2x5
Pullups 1x20
Finished 6 rounds at 29:21, then ran until 30:00. I pushed pretty hard on this today. Thinking that next week I need to either change the distances or timeframe, or else I’ll be racing to get farther on this. With that said, this is a huge improvement over the last 4-5 weeks. Happy with how my conditioning is coming along. & to hit a 300 lb clean this week as well is huge.
AM workout
Press 5x10x95
Db curls 5x10
Kb row 3x10x45
Back extension 3x10
Goblet squat 2x10x45
Plank 2x:30
20 minute airdyne- 8.05 miles