I just got off a 12 week cycle which ended in mid-April, PCT ended about two weeks ago. I ran HCG the first 6 weeks and I “feel” fully recovered now- meaning libido is back to normal. Can’t get blood work done as I’m not insured so that’s all I have to base my opinion on. Normally I wouldn’t be so quick to try and jump back on but I’m trying to prep for a contest which is about 14 weeks out from now.
I wouldn’t be starting the cycle for another two weeks and I would only run it for six weeks as I need to make sure it’s out of my system (anciliaries as well) before the comp. I’m looking at running probably just Test Prop and Anavar, maybe Tren Ace, and maybe a small amount of T3 and albuterol.
If just prop and anavar I’d probably do something like 700mg/prop wk + 100mg/var a day
Or 500mg/wk Tren Ace+ 250mg/wk Test prop + 50-100mg/var a day
I know you’re technically ‘recovered’ after PCT but does anyone foresee any issues with this? Should I run HCG on this one to make recovery smoother as well and possibly run a shorter PCT like maybe only 2-3 weeks?