Too Much Food?

So I am currently on the last stretch (2.5 weeks) left on my cutting diet. I have a bit of lower abdomen fat left that is killing me. It makes me feel like im getting nothing out of this diet and want to quit. But I keep hanging in there thinking its water retension and bloating.

I am curious as to what you guys think about my diet these last few weeks. I am on HOT-ROX 3 a day, but I am just not satisfied anymore with food.

9:00 - 4-egg ommlette for breakfast with half tomatoe, some broccoli, a bit of ham, handfull of mushrooms, and 2 slices of american cheese. 5 fish oil caps

12:30 lunch - 2 grilled chicken breast with olive oil and vinegar and some balsamic vinegar. Celery stalk, handful broccoli, bit of salad, bit of green pepper. 2 slices of provolone cheese

3:30 - protein shake after lift at about 25g protein w/ cinnamon

5:30 or 6:00 - dinner same as lunch. Sometimes ill have tuna with olive oil and vinegar instead of chicken.

9:00 - protein shake and PB or cottage cheese and PB

Also taking ZMA and fish oil throughout the day along with some nuts and BCAA after workout.

Please let me know if im doing something wrong. I like to hear other peoples opinions so I have an outside opinion rather than my own telling myself everything is correct.

Thank you.

what are doing for weightlifting/cardio?

Question is, are you still losing weight, and if so, what is the rate of fate loss? 1lb per week? 2?

The reason I ask is that you may not need to change anything but simply need to diet for longer than you had planned in order to get completely shredded.

If you are still making progress, I’d say keep doing what you’re doing.

I normally get in once a day, taking one day off per week.

Before every workout I row for 5 minutes. I know not big, but its to warm up and whatever.

Also, I go running 3 times a week for 2-10 minute intervals with 3 minutes walk in between.

As for lifts, Im on a split right now

Monday/Thursday (Chest, Shoulders, Triceps):
Incline Bench Press 2/6-8, 2/10-12
DB Bench Press 2/6-8, 2/10-12
DB Flyes 2/6-8, 2/15
One-Arm Low Pulley Crossovers 4/15
DB Shoulder Presses 2/6-8, 2/10-12
Smith Machine Upright Rows 2/6-8, 2/15
Rear-Delt Machine Flyes 2/6-8, 2/15
One-Arm Cable Lateral Raises 4/15
Close-Grip Bench Press 2/6-8, 2/10-12
DB Overhead Extensions 2/6-8, 2/15
One-Arm Reverse Grip Pressdowns 4/15

Teusday/Friday (Legs, Calves, Abs):
Squats 2/6-8, 2/15
Smith-Machine Front Squats 2/6-8, 2/15
Leg Presses 2/6-8, 2/15
Unilateral Leg Extensions 4/15
Romanian Deadlifts 2/6-8, 2/15
Leg Curls 4/15

Standing Calf Raises 3/15
Seated Calf Raises 3/15
Reverse Crunches 3/Failure
Decline Crunches 3/Failure

Wednesday/Saturday(Back, Traps, Biceps, Forearms):
Smith Machine Bent-Over Rows 2/6-8, 2/10-12
Wide-Grip Pulldowns 2/6-8
Wide-Grip Behind-the-Neck Pulldowns 2/15
Straight-Arm Pulldowns 2/6-8, 2/15
One-Arm DB Rows 4/15
Barbell Shrugs 2/6-8
Behind-the-Back Barbell Shrugs 2/15
Barbell Curls (wide grip) 2/6-8
Barbell Curls (close grip) 2/15
Seated Incline DB Curls 2/6-8, 2/15
Concentration Curls 4/6-8

Let me know any critiques on nutrition or lifting. Any thoughts are greatly appreciated.


Are you expecting us to pull out our calculators and nutrition almanacs and calculate the amount of kcal, fat, protein, and carbohydrate you are eating on a daily basis?

How are you or we supposed to know if you’re eating too much if we don’t even have those amounts, your weight, and your bodyfat percentage?

I’m not sitting down for 20 minutes calculating that shit for you! You also didn’t even list the measurements of everything!

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