Hi All. Is there tolerance that eventually builds up to PDE5 inhibitor in garlic just as there is to Tadalafil so thar it’s effect reduces, requiring higher doses and eventually stops working?
This is really starting to look like Cialis is decreasing your estrogen, which it is known to do in some individuals. I had the same problem. I have confirmation of E2 on the low side (18 pg/mL) when my TT is at 592.
This is a terrible T:E2 ratio! I had to stop Cialis.
There are a few other reasons why Cialis would stop working, low iron, and low vitamin D. Another possibility and extremely unlikely is lower levels of nitric oxide, which is what Cialis targets and it’s method of action.
Cialis (iron oxide) shares a pathway with iron and iron shares a pathway with vitamin D.
So if Cialis is in fact lowering your estrogen, then you’ll simply have to stop taking it.
There’s no evidence to support this theory. There is no known tolerance to Cialis, only a worsening of erectile function as one ages to where Cialis can no longer work effectively.
Thanks. This is the first time I’m hearing that Cialis lowers E2. Is there a strong evidence? Can boosting E2 by beer etc counteract/negate this effect?
This is interesting - if someone was taking all three how would you structure that? By day during meals? Alternating during the week? I’ve never heard about this so I’m curious about balance.
My wife takes iron during her period, and I take half a cialis every three days, but we both take it at the same time in the morning concurrent with 4000 iu of vitamin D.
Sustained improvement in sexual function after 12 months of tadalafil administration is associated with increased T:E ratio mainly related to reduction of E levels. We hypothesize that androgen-estrogen cross-talk and possible inhibition of aromatase activity during chronic exposure to tadalafil might have a role in the regulation of erectile function.
Inject estrogen cypionate or stop Cialis. Binge drinking isn’t the answer, lol.
Or HCG, right? (I’m not on TRT anymore)
HCG will shut you down, but might work if you make enough estrogen within the testclies.
When I was on TRT, HCG boosted my E2. I used it when I had trouble adjusting Arimidex disages…
What do you mean by HCG will shut me down?
Your natural testosterone will shut down, as in your HPTA/pituitary gland will be suppressed and LH and FSH shutdown. The only difference is your testicles will respond to hCG and therefore produced testosterone.
If you wanted to come off HCG, you would need to go for a length of time before your pituitary gland came back online.
You reminded me how it works, thanks!
So correct ne if I’m wrong. Cialis works in 3 ways to help erections:
- PDE5 inhibition
- NO boost
- If hight E2 was causing ED then Cialis lowers E2.
And garlic works in the 3 similar ways but not as strong?
There would be no way to prove high estrogen is causing ED even if taking an aromatase inhibitor and Cialis. TRT causes the kidneys to absorb more sodium and sodium carries water, taking an aromatase inhibitor or something that lowers estrogen works like a diuretic, causing you to lose fluids.
A lot of men are using aromatase inhibitors as water pills and are completely unaware.
I’m a proof of that. When my E2 was very high on TRT (over 50-60, Labcorp sensitive), erections were non-existent until I take anastrozole.
Does Cialis increase nitric oxide or does it require it to work but doesn’t boost it ?
That’s not what we call proof, that’s not even scientific. You’re basing your conclusion off your own experience and calling it proof.
There’s so many other variables you’re not considering like estrogen’s influence on serotonin, high estrogen can increase serotonin and anyone that’s been on an anti-depressant can tell you, ED is more likely than not.
So you take anastrozole, your estrogen decreases, and that could influence a decrease in serotonin. High serotonin can even make you sleepy, and lethargic.
Cialis doesn’t increase nitric oxide, it enhances the effect of nitric oxide on target tissue. So if you’re nitric oxide is low, then the enhancement of nitric oxide using Cialis will not be as effective as with higher levels of nitric oxide.
So does garlic decrease E2 just like Cialis does?
Is there any benefits of raw or aged garlic capsules taken long term over Cialis for ED?
Why the focus on garlic?
You just looking for a natural AI?
Because I’m not convinced that Cialis doesn’t cause tolerance with continuous use and the only cause of its diminished effect is reduced E2. Thus I want to know if there’s tolerance to garlic as well, or if garlic reduces E2 as well.