Todays Workout

Superset weighted Pull-ups with standing Dumbbell presses. Ten sets of each. There was no rest between the two exercises. And a :90-2:00 rest between each Superset:

Pull-ups: Standing Dumbbell Press:
No Wt.10 40’s-10
10lbs-10 60’s-10
25lbs-8 65’s-8
25lbs-8 65’s-8
25lbs-8 65’s-8
25lbs-8 65’s-8
25lbs-8 65’s-8
25lbs-6 65’s-8
25lbs-6 65’s-8
No Wt.20 40’s-20

Took a 4:00 water break then:

Cleans: 135-8 155-6 175-6 185-4 205-2

Neck Harness (to the front): 40lb-20 60lbs-15 80lbs-10

Finished 28 sets in 46 minutes exactly! I don’t know how any of you guys train, but this is fast for me. I then chugged down a huge (I mean really huge) Grow Protein drink. My body had no problem digesting about 80gm of protein in that shake! Never felt better, ahh…

I got the idea for the workout from the most recent T-mag article “The Cat’s Lair.” In it the advice for mass was 10 sets of ten in superset fashion. (Of course, I did put my own spin on it, only because I was not going to return for an evening session). Come to think of it, it did say you had to be a “glutton for punishment.” This was short, intense and quite painful- I loved it!

Any productive comments are always welcomed.