Why is it even a question whether to use supplements or not . If you have to ask this then you need more experiance in the gym and time in the kitchen.
[quote]relativelyfunguy wrote:
I put these up and made them just now so maybe someone could give me some help out on what my BF level might be right now. This was taken around 7:20 pm, after a day of eating a lot and drinking tons of water, and working out. Might look a little dryer/cut in the morning, but anywyas here it is. Initially I said about 15%, but really have no clue. I am flexing about as hard as possible in all of them.[/quote]
you seem like 12-13% to me…
If you would post a picture holding up a shoe, we would be better able to ascertain your body fat.
[quote]BarneyFife wrote:
If you would post a picture holding up a shoe, we would be better able to ascertain your body fat.[/quote]
Remember it’s summer now. Sandals are an acceptable alternative.
Those shoe jokes are not funny anymore.
I’d go with 11-12% also… you don’t have much fat on you at all.
First off, you need to count your calories every day. If you’re 170, then you need 2600 calories just to maintain your current physique. To add muscle, you need to eat above maintenance, say 200-300 calories more. As you add weight, you add more food. This is key. Supps are great to meet these caloric needs. ‘Cause I’ll tell you, eating is a friggin’ chore.
I hope that when you reach 190, you’ll see that you’re just on the tip of the iceberg, and keep going.
When you hit 250, then you can start talking about hitting your maximum natural potential. All the other supps are for (me) when you need a kick in the metabolic butt to produce more testosterone or burn fat off faster or reverse catabolism. All of them good ideas.
After looking at your pics, I’d say you need to eat ALOT and lift ALOT. Jeebuz, I was 170 once, and to remember I looked that thin scares me. Your abs are bigger then the rest of your body. Focus your workouts on your shoulders, chest, back and legs!
I say stick with the basics and keep lifting heavy the only supplement I have taken that really is worth the cash besides your protien powders and creatine would be ephedrine. That should only be used in moderation though and it is a weight loss so, I would wait till you gained a bit more mass before considering the use of an ephedrine product. Don’t judge your progress by what you see on the scale neither I would go by how you look and judge progress by whether or not you are adding weight to the bar at a reasonable rate. Not everyone wants to be 200 plus pounds I sit at 185-190 with very low body fat and I am very pleased with my progress and I don’t really wanna get much bigger.
i would say your first step is to buy a light. Do you live in a cave?
Well I’m sorry to be such a skinny guy… I only went from 140 lbs to 173 lbs in about 6-7 months and remained at the same bodyfat, basically. You know though, when running 120 miles a week, you aren’t really expecting to be 250 pounds. So it’s not like the “boy you sickening!” stuff needs to go on. And exactly how am I not doing the right stuff by gaining that much with that little fat in that amount of time? Very curious. And to those who say spend more time in the gym, there’s a thing called overtraining, correct? I’m kind of against it.
[quote]Jonesy20 wrote:
Not everyone wants to be 200 plus pounds I sit at 185-190 with very low body fat and I am very pleased with my progress and I don’t really wanna get much bigger. [/quote]
Right there with you man…
[quote]relativelyfunguy wrote:
Well I’m sorry to be such a skinny guy… I only went from 140 lbs to 173 lbs in about 6-7 months and remained at the same bodyfat, basically. You know though, when running 120 miles a week, you aren’t really expecting to be 250 pounds. So it’s not like the “boy you sickening!” stuff needs to go on. And exactly how am I not doing the right stuff by gaining that much with that little fat in that amount of time? Very curious. And to those who say spend more time in the gym, there’s a thing called overtraining, correct? I’m kind of against it.[/quote]
One thing to realize about this site. Some guys on here dream of being 250lbs and 6% BF. They aren’t there yet, but it’s their goal. It’s ok to have a different goal, but the inevitable “Eat more” and “Dude you’re skinny!” comments will always appear. Don’t take offense, they just can’t understand that different people have different goals. I think gaining the weight that you did is remarkable considering how much you run, especially in only 6-7 months. You could probably stand to gain some more, how much is up to you.
One thing about overtraining- it’s overrated. Making comments about being afraid of overtraining is the equivalent of a chick saying “I don’t want to lift weights because it will make me huge.”
First off, running was something I did before I got into lifting 6-7 months ago, not something i was doing during this time. I’ve just done HIIT on and off during times for the past 6-7 months, not distance running at all.
And dude, believe me, there is overtraining. I would lift for 5 hours a day if i could, but wouldn’t that be stupid now
[quote]relativelyfunguy wrote:
I would lift for 5 hours a day if i could, but wouldn’t that be stupid now[/quote]
People do it all the time and never experience overtraining.
and do they do it drug free, along with seeing great gains like someone on a good program that is in the gym 1 hour 4-5 times a week?
[quote]relativelyfunguy wrote:
and do they do it drug free, along with seeing great gains like someone on a good program that is in the gym 1 hour 4-5 times a week?[/quote]
Yes they do. Now stop being a piss ass and whiner. You asked about supps and that has been answered. You’ve tried to argue with anyone who doesn’t agree with you or tells you something you don’t want to hear.
Get over it. You are the one who brought up genetic potential. Do you know how ludicrous that is!!!? Do you know and understand what overtraining is and how unlikely it is you are there?
Do you understand that you could work for the next 10 years and possibly not near your potential? Do you know that given proper parameters the ‘average’ guy could formulate a program to lift every day?
There is so much out there you obviously don’t know. Now–congrats on your weight gain with no fat–that seems to be your #1 objective here. Great. Fantastic.
Do you know how much faster you could reach your goals through cycling as opposed to your obsession with your abs. Ya know they don’t go away forever if you gain some weight. It will also allow you to lift harder and longer if you ingest a few extra cals and carry a few more pounds.
Now, like one other poster said–I don’t know your goals, but I understood your original question and I can read your offended little whiney attitude in every post of yours. If you were at all willing to learn, you might actually take something from this useless thread.
[quote]relativelyfunguy wrote:
Well I’m sorry to be such a skinny guy… I only went from 140 lbs to 173 lbs in about 6-7 months and remained at the same bodyfat, basically.[/quote]That’s great. But you stated you wanted to get to 190. And I said you need to eat.[quote] You know though, when running 120 miles a week, you aren’t really expecting to be 250 pounds. [/quote]I was referencing your “natural potential” idea. You can naturally get to 250 without steroids.[quote]So it’s not like the “boy you sickening!” stuff needs to go on. And exactly how am I not doing the right stuff by gaining that much with that little fat in that amount of time?[/quote]Again, great. You asked about supplements, and I said they are good for extra calories, which you need if your goal is 190.[quote]Very curious. And to those who say spend more time in the gym, there’s a thing called overtraining, correct? I’m kind of against it.[/quote]You can do a full workout in one hour. That’s not overtraining. When we say lift alot, we, collectively, mean years. That’s alot.
By the way, this is a bodybuilding site. Most of us are into building up our bodies. It’s our main focus. You seem to be a runner, why do you want to be 190? Wouldn’t that be counterproductive to your sport of choice? And you being 140 was not healthy, so being there in the first place questions your health smarts.
You want to get to 190, or did I read that wrong? To do so, you need to go to the gym consistently and eat alot of food consistently. Supps (your main focus of the thread) will help you get those calories. Spike may be good for focus and energy. Fat burners are so far away from your needs, I wouldn’t even go there. It’s not an opinion. It’s advice.
I swear, when noobs ask a question and a member answers with their best intentions and he gets squack back, it sure tastes bad.
Meal 1:
1 cup oats
1 cup ff milk
4-6 strawberries
1 scoop whey protein
TOTAL: ~550, 35-40g protein
Meal 2 (second after last lift):
35g whey protein
30g dextros
30g maltodextrin
5g creatine
TOTAL: 370, 30g protein
Meal 3:
8 oz grilled chicken
1 cup oats
1 apple
1 banana
TOTAL: 620 calories, 40g protein
Meal 4:
1 can tuna
1 cup ff yogurt
1 cup oats
TOTAL: 510 calories, 40g protein
Meal 5:
2 servings olive oil
8 oz hamburger steak, lean
1-2 lbs brocolli
5g fish oil
TOTAL: ~600 calories, 40-45g protein
Meal 6:
1 serving natural peanut butter
1 serving olie oil
8 oz grilled chicken
some sort of veggies
5g flax oil
TOTAL: ~520 calories, 40g protein
Meal 7:
2 servings lowfat cottage cheese
1 serving natural peanut butter
3-5g fish oil
TOTAL: ~470 calories, 34g protein
daily total:
3,640 calories
260g protein
Am I really eating too little? I mean, I’m growing, and no I don’t care about my abs like the last guy said. I mean I do care about them, but not at this time, I don’t care if they leave, they just haven’t (so sue me).
And no I’m not trying to be a pissant or w/e, I’m just trying to get answers taht are more than the generic “effin’ eat you skinny bastard” type stupid stuff. that’s all, even though i know the question has already been answered, i am now just responding to people adding other stuff.
As well, I thought I made it clear in the beginning, but I guess I didn’t. I’m NOT a runner anymore! That was used to be, now my desire is lifting and bodybuilding, and it’s all i’ve done since last december. Yes I’ve made sure I get every workout I need in, there’s yet to be a day go by that I have missed a scheduled workout as I am more accustomed to working hard than most whether you believe that or not (try waking up at 6am to run 10 miles, then run 10 miles in the afternoon too.) I repeat, I am NOT a runner anymore. That is old news. And thanks for answering all the questions though everyone.
3600 cals is good. When you don’t add a pound a week, then you need to up the calories. You may find someday that you don’t want to cook so much food, and you’re sick of chicken. That’s when supps come in. It’s also easier to swallow a shake than eat a whole meal, calories and protein being the same. Can you see why supps can be desirable? Answer your own question:
Do you need to buy supps?