Like any stupid teenager, i used to spend all the money I had on every cool looking and over-marketed supplement on the gnc shelves thinking it would make me superman overnight. Aside from burning a serious hole in my wallet, it did teach me what works and what doesnt and also how to earn muscle without help from them.
at the age of 20 I was 5’8 145 pounds with a 155 BP, a 205 SQT, and a 225 DL. Im now 22 5’8 182 pounds with a 335 pound BP, 485 SQT, and 545 DL. No Supps whatsoever and no dieting whatsoever as well as full time work/school. Anyway who cares, now that I have money and I understand my body and what works and what doesnt, Im ready to try adding some supps to my training.
I already have a multi, knew that was important, but what supps have given you guys REAL results? Im looking for a creatine supp, a NO supp, a natural test supp, and maybe one of those supps that just does it all or packs on 30 pounds of muscle in two week LOL seriously what have you guys tried and swear by?
I train for strength and power BTW if it helps and Im always pushing myself with 5-10 reps with heavy as possible, in fact I dont remember the last time I did more than 10 reps of anything lol. Help out guys, need to pick one of each of those supps to start off, I dont trust the labels or the online review sites I wanna hear u guys. Thanks.
You can’t beat Biotest Creatine sold here in the T-Nation store and Alpha Male or TRIBEX for a test booster. My opinion you can’t do any better in terms of quality and effectiveness of products then Biotest products. I recommend reading up on them in the store and then determining what you may want to try in regard to your goals. Or ask additional question on the ones you may be interested in. I also highly recommend the good health supps like Flameout, REZ-V, FA-3, and Superfood.
First of all, your 22 so a ‘natural’ test booster such as tribulus wont do anything for you. They only have the ability to signal the brain to signal the testes to release more test, therefore if your test levels arent super low it wont raise them above normal.
There are plenty of pre workout supps out there so you need to decide which you want more, an energy kick or a good pump, then people can give you advice on them.
There are also plenty of straight monohydrate creatines out there and are a good option. You shouldnt be paying more then $40 a kilo though.
Most creatine monohydrates are extremely similar. I won’t recommend a brand. Biotest’s is cheap and I can mention it on here without getting flamed. Honestly I’m getting along just fine without it after being a die-hard creatine guy for a couple years.
BCAAs/protein powder I only use post-WO because I can throw a shaker in my gym bag, otherwise I just eat normal food. So like elusive said, it’s convenient. ON is my personal favorite.
I personally don’t think you need any sort of testosterone booster at the age of 22, hormones be flowin! Multivitamin, food, and sleep is good enough for your immune system as well.
Anecdotally, I made significant strength gains with Carbolin 19 but I was stuck on a plateau…but I don’t think it’s essential for a recreational lifter like yourself.
[quote]elusive wrote:
buy a creatine monohydrate supplement and some protein powder for convienance. Also, some fish oil for just the health benefits. all done.[/quote]
On another note, your lifts are very impressive for 182 lbs. and I’m jealous! Do you have any vids?