Can anyone point me in the way of good supps to use? Im 18 years old, height 196cm weight 230lbs. very solid. Been going to the gym for 2 years solid. Good diet.
Eat clean except maybe 2 cheat meals per week. I have tried a lot of various products. I have also tried pure creatine monohydrate. I have never tried BCAAs or any of the like. If someone could point me in the right direction it would be much appreciated. I lift 5 nights a week with two cardio sessions on the spare nights.
do you have whey protein? thats like the foundation of a body builder got to have a nice 5 lb tub of whey… and what do you take for ur PWO shake?? if u dont have whey? what do u use to get a quick hit after ur workout
A great base to go with solid diet and training are Fish oils, a multi, and a protein supp. Then go from there try something that fits your goals and see how it works for you
do u think its better to take ur multi in the morning or at night? just curious… i always take mine in the morning to get a good dose of vitamins and minerals in me
I personally dont think it matters as long as you get it. I take mine in the morn as well just due to fact its easy to remember get in a habit.
Sure may help since your going to be active etc all day. Actually better off getting a quality multi the requires 2-3 servings and split it if we want to get technical. we can only up take so much at once so your pissing out a lot. or bite the thing in half and take one AM one PM