I’m in my sixth week of abbh and i have of course switched the movements from week one , so instead of doing deads for 10x3 i?m doing 5x10 as outlined in chads program. i had some problems with the front squats mostly some minor bruises on my shoulders and my throat from having the bar as close as possible to my chest. btw i never see the trainees at my gym these type of squats , but plenty of morons who load up the smith-machine with a massive amount ?f weight and barely do a quarter-squat and when you talk to them they sware that they are going to at least parallel. so here?s my one million dollar question! what kind of program should i choose when i finish the abbh? nb3 for the next four to six weeks would perhaps be an alternative? i might add that i play tennis 3-4 times a week about two hours each time so for now my main objective is to lose some weight preferably fat-weight and not lbm. i weigh about 204 at 6"1 and ?would ?like to be about 190 to be quicker and move better on the court. i might add that i really like the simplicity of chads program with the emphasis on the big compound lifts who give the biggest bang for the buck. i?m looking forward for some feedback here folks so don?t hold back any ideas on th?s matter!
Are you training simply as a means to improve your on-court performance, or as an adjunct to improving the way you look?
Hey, there, bracke!!!
Quick answer. Chad Waterbury has said in the past that a 5x5 program with compound multi-joint exercise would be an excellent follow-up to ABBH.
If you have been bulking, it would be a good idea to stay at maintenance for 3 or 4 weeks to solidify your gains before starting a cutting program.
Using 5x5 while cutting is an excellent approach.
With the volume of aerobic exercise you’re getting, it would be a good idea to use something like Surge; 1/2 dose at the 1-hour point and 1/2 dose at the 2 hour point.
From there, it’s simply diet.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask.
CW posted this a while ago:
"Here’s a good post-ABB program:
Day 1
Exercises: Barbell Bench Press/Seated Row superset
Sets: 5
Reps: 5
Rest: 60s
Exercises: Skull Crusher/Barbell Curl superset
Sets: 4
Reps: 6
Day 2
Exercises: Back Squat/Lying Hamstring Curl superset
Sets: 5
Reps: 5
Rest: 60s
Exercises: Back Extension/Standing Calf Raise superset
Sets: 4
Reps: 6
Rest: 60s
Day 3
Day 4
Exercises: Incline DB Bench/Supinated grip Pulldown superset
Sets: 2
Reps: 25
Rest: 90s
Exercises: Military Press/Tricep Pressdown superset
Sets: 2
Reps: 25
Rest: 90s
Day 5
Exercises: Deadlift/Split Squat superset
Sets: 2
Reps: 24 (12 on each leg for split squats)
Rest: 90s
Exercises: Decline sit-ups/Seated Calf Raise superset
Sets: 2
Reps: 25
Rest: 90s
Day 6
Day 7
Repeat Cycle "
Damn you guys sure make my life a whole lot easier - thanks for the responses!
As for the original question, it really depends on the amount of calories you’re ingesting. You mentioned that you want to lose 14 lbs. Therefore, if you’re undergoing a severely calorie-restricted eating plan, the NB3 is ideal. If you’re slightly below/at maintenance, the 5X5 program is great. If you’re at/slightly above maintenance, the follow-up program posted above works well.