Hi Mike. Several weeks ago you suggested to someone on the forum where to get adjustable kettlebells. I couldn’t find that post on the search engine. I was hoping you can tell me. I want to start training with a kettlebell soon. By the way, have you heard good things about Pavel’s video on Kettlebell training? I was thinking of using that to get started. A response would be appreciated. Thanks.
One place that I know of that sells the plate-loading kettlebells is www.ironmind.com. As for Pavel’s video, it’s very good. I have that along with the book. I would definitely get both if you can afford to. Start with the video if you want to know how to properly perform the various exercises.
Thanks for the info Nate. I’m pretty excited in getting started. BTW. You look pretty cut in those pictures of you doing those kettlebell excercises.
Thanks reeshdawg! I was surprised that I looked that lean. I swear, when I look in the mirror, I don’t look as lean. But the Renegade Training is making a huge difference in my conditioning and bodyfat levels!
Oh yeah, the other place that Mike Mahler recommended was called “platemates.” So you could check with them. I love my kettlebell from Dragondoor (Pavel’s site). In fact, I hope to order another one in the near future. Also FFB is making and selling kettlebells that look similar to Pavel’s. So you may want to get a hold of him on the forum or at infinityfitness. Once you have a kettlebell, you’ll have a blast. There are so many exercises you can do. Since my schedule is messed up for Friday, I’m going to take my kettlebell to work and do some lifts during my lunch break.