Just wanted to thank everyone for making this site a pleasant place to be. The forum is laid out in an intelligent fashion, everything is out in the open, and there isn’t a rep system that promotes disharmony among fellow members, we’re all viewed as equals and judged strictly by our posts but we are still able to show our appreciation to each other with a simple “like”. It keeps things honest which is something that I think is important and why I think it sets this forum apart from others. They all have some good features but this forum is unique in a good way.
Details like the Likes/no-rep system or whatever are way secondary. Members, the info they share, and the discussions they create, are what make the forum.
Also have received helpful advice from ppl who know what they are talking about, from ppl with great physiques and videos, living proof that they know what’s up.
Thank you t nation for being my friend!!!
I agree with the OP. I’ve said many times how T Nation has changed my life and kept me company during rough times in my life. Training, Diet, and TRT information has made me a better overall person.
Just FWIW, I buy Biotest supplements exclusively - unless they don’t offer what I need.
Thank you.
This place sucks. Trust me I’ve been here every day for almost 20 years… (browsed before joining forums in 03).
You won’t catch me here for another 20 years! If I die before then of course.
I have put an event in my calendar to check this in 2041. Don’t fail me
Well I’m not going to try and fail you. But in all seriousness I do love T-Nation. The amount of stuff I’ve learned from reading articles on here and different perspectives on training, nutrition, health, etc.