45 Minute Power Zone Ride – Denis Morton
Total Output: 578 kj
Calories: 714 kcal
Avg Cadence: 79 rpm
Avg Speed: 21.8 mph
Distance: 16.32 miles
Avg Output: 214 watts
Avg Resistance: 52%
158 BBPM
5 Minute Cool Down Ride
Comments: Getting the cardio in this morning. I’m trying to build that cardio threshold back up after taking it easy last week. We did about 15 minutes in Zone 5 on that ride and that was a sure-fire way to build the cardio back up. Lol Right now that is about 24.5 mph for me and I have to spend a fair amount of time out of the saddle to maintain that pace for that long. I’ve got a long way to go to get to where that is sustainable.
Thanks Shane. I went for broke on that last FTP test but part of me feels like I should take it again, give it a solid effort but don’t go 100%. I feel like 3-5 minute intervals in Zone 5 should suck but still be doable without going out of the saddle. From what I understand, the point of the test is to evaluate your cardio threshold over a twenty minute period of medium-high intensity. Maybe that test is geared more toward the average person who (obviously) does cycling and perhaps some other forms of training. Perhaps doing metcons all these years has built my upper level cardio threshold higher than the average person? So levels of output determined by that test might be harder to maintain during regular training sessions? Or maybe I should shut my pie hole, quit complaining, suck it up and start pedaling harder.
The way I understand the FTP is it is a threshold test, meaning it is testing your threshold power. Threshold to me always meant something right below going all out to VO2 max work.
I personally never went out of the saddle for my FTP test, but, I can understand why people do. I guess it depends on how hard you want your cardio sessions to be.
I always looked at it like I would control how hard I felt like riding by the type of ride I chose. If I go out of the saddle hard for my FTP I figured it would make even my easy rides pretty challenging.
Good points. I think we are on the same page. Really it probably comes down to this: Do you want your regular training rides to be insanely hard, possibly to the point of not being able to maintain your pace during the hard intervals? Or would you rather it be hard enough to be challenging but you’re still able to maintain the pace?
For me I would rather them be hard but still be able to maintain the pace, but not easily. Overtime I found that eventually they would get easier and once I was easily riding a zone ahead I would know it’s time to do the FTP test again and push a little harder. I only did this a couple of times though but it did make me faster and a better biker that was able to ride faster at the same effort from my prior FTP.
Comments: Essentially, that was Murph with the Peloton subbed in for running. All of the pull-up/push-up squat sets were broken up so it took a little longer to get through it but it was still a good start for the Murph prep. No vest either so I will have to throw that in the mix at some point. Just dipping my toes in the water…
Man Trent that Murph prep looks awesome. That’s a super impressive amount of Pullups, Pushups, and Squats you’re doing. I’d be feeling that for days afterwards!
Ha ha, thanks Greg. To be fair, almost all of those sets were broken up. Pull-ups were 7+3. Push-ups were 15+5. Squats were 23+7. Just trying to get used to doing them and especially doing higher reps than the usual 5, 10, 15 that I do in Murph. At some point I’ll throw on the weight vest and it’s going to get harder. The goal is to hopefully just be used to moving through the sets of 5, 10, 15 while wearing the vest and taking minimal breaks.
Broken up or not, that’s still some serious total reps. You’re killing it brother! I really like how you consistently prep and then do the Murph each year.
***Switched to Seated DB Military Press
HS IL Shoulder Press
3(10x55 PS)
HS IL Low Row
3(10x70 PS)
Hip Abduction
Hip Adduction
Arsenal Side Lat Raises
34:00, 233 Cals, 110 BPM
Comments: Good session. Lots of solid work in there. Started in the garage on the Peloton, then did some weighted pull-ups and accessory work. Was happy to get 6xBW+35 lb. Friday’s are always great at the gym. The usual lively crowd is in an even better mood than usual. Ha ha… Supersetted a bunch of stuff in there. Done.
HS IL Leg Press (Keep light)
8x60 PS
HS IL Leg Curl (Keep light)
3(8x35 PS)
8x90 PS
HS IL Bench Press
10x45 PS
Decline Bench
HS IL Low Row
3(10x60 PS)
Hip Abduction
Hip Adduction
Rope Tricep Extensions
LF Plate Loaded Bicep Curl
62:00, 441 Cals, 110 BPM
Comments: Some friends of ours were supposed to host the super bowl party at their house but they got held up in an out of town soccer tournament so we ended up hosting the party last night. All together we had about 30 people over so it was quite a busy night. By the time everyone left and we cleaned the house up I got to bed well after midnight. Despite all of that I still got up and went to the gym this morning (albeit a little late). Had a good workout all things considered.
I woke up Saturday with some knee pain that I believe may be a result of doing back extensions in the GHD. I think it is a knee hyper-extension injury that I aggravate whenever I use the GHD. I guess I’ll sell mine then as it takes up some valuable real estate in the garage… Took it easy on the bike, leg press, etc. because of that.
Wasn’t much of a game last night. The Eagles definitely earned that win. They dominated. I don’t usually wish negativity on anyone but all of this Taylor Swift mess is about nauseating at this point so I wasn’t disappointed to see the Chiefs get crushed.
Sounds like a hell of party man. Great job getting up and going in. I slept in until 6:15 and then went to an early lunch to knock mine out today.
Nice numbers on BP. Repping out 8 reps at close to BW is strong man.
Try swapping out those GHD back extensions for some RDLs from the rack. Or some DB RDLs.
Totally agree about Taylor Swift. The NFL is totally eating it up though. I am sure revenue has gone up with all the little Taylor Swift fans now interested in football.
Thanks Shane. With the herniated disk I don’t do anything that involves bending over and holding/lifting weight. At this point I might just have to do the back extension machine or maybe some reverse hypers. I bought my GHD machine ten years ago and used it quite a bit but at some point developed an abdominal injury that would get aggravated every time I did GHD sit-ups. I kept using it for back extensions but now this knee injury is preventing me from doing that. Kind of running out of options for that thing now.
Yep, I wish Taylor Swift and Kelce would go ahead and break up and end this madness…