Comments: Good raw dog session on the hotel bike up here in Chapel Hill. No idea what the distance was, but I would guess north of 10 miles. I just made up my own intervals. Mostly medium pace with some climb intervals and rest intervals. Got the blood flowing. Back home tonight so I will hopefully hit the gym tomorrow.
15 Minute Climb Ride – Jenn Sherman
Total Output: 193 kj (less than 10 from a PR)
Calories: 206 kcal
Avg Cadence: 78 rpm
Avg Speed: 21.9 mph
Distance: 5.46 miles
Avg Output: 215 watts
Avg Resistance: 54%
Gym – Whole Body
Leg Raises
3x10 (Some sciatica pain)
Air Squats
3x10 (No pain)
12x90 PS
Reverse Lunges
3x10 Per Leg (No pain)
HS IL Leg Press
3(8x70 PS) (Some pain at full extension)
HS IL Leg Curl
3(6x35 PS) (Some pain)
HS IL Bench
3(10x45 PS)
HS IL High Row
3(10x90 PS)
HS IL Low Row
3(8x90 PS)
52:00, 413 Cals, 116 BPM
Comments: Good session. Started with a Peloton ride in the garage, then went to the gym for a whole body session. I threw in some bodyweight and light weight leg stuff just to see how it felt. I did have some pain on a few exercises but, to be honest, after this session I noticed a significant improvement in my sciatic nerve pain. Maybe getting things moving is helpful? I did try to avoid anything that loaded the lower back. Good session.
Metcon – From Melt Programming
Complete as many rounds as possible in 42 Minutes:
12 Cal Airdyne
5 BB Shoulder Press, 95 lb
10 BB Hang Cleans, 95 lb
12 Cal Airdyne
8 Pull-ups
25 Straight-Leg Sit-ups
7 Total Rounds +12 Cal Airdyne, 5 SP, 10 HPC, 12 Cal Airdyne
525 Cals, 147 BPM
Comments: This was a good one. I got it from Melt Programming and made it longer and harder. Got the blood flowing. You know it’s getting cooler outside when you do a 40-minute metcon and are barely sweating. Ha ha…
Thanks Shane. The OHP was my least favorite on this one. Not sure why but OHP just sucks 10 times worse when you have to do it in a metcon. After I was done I saw that there was supposed to be Incline DB Bench in there but I totally missed it. Oh well…
Comments: This was definitely a clock puncher. I don’t usually talk about stuff like this but last night was a rough night at home. My wife and I really got into it and things are not good between us. I’m not really sure how things are going to play out but will continue to do what I can to improve the situation.
It’s hard to train under that kind of mental load and on about 5 hours of sleep, but I managed to get out there and get a good session in anyway. Was happy to get a PR on the Peloton ride and then got a solid session in at the gym. Done.
Sorry to hear about troubles with your wife. I know that leaning into church and your faith during these type of times is a good first place to start. A lot of churches even offer marriage counseling.
I asked my dad once how him and my mom stayed together for so many years and he said something that stuck with me.
He said, we have had a lot of great years and some not so great years. I always was taken back that he said years, but really, I think that’s what a commitment to someone is. You endure the hard “years” for each other and your kids.
Sorry to hear about your current struggle(s). The one constant is your gym time. I have typed before, my three workouts a week are my “mindfulness”. I hope the best for you both. And yes, that is correct, you do have a lot of great years, and years you struggle. Take Care
Thanks Shane. Agreed on leaning into the church. I’ve been seeking out counseling and other faith-based materials for a year or so now and have made some good strides on the things I need to work on. Still not perfect but a heck of an improvement. Honestly, the ball is mostly in her court at this point. She has some work to do and I hope she can do it. This was the critical part that I’ve heard about where we have to stay the course regardless of whether or not our spouse acknowledges/reinforces our growth or does what they need to do. I will try to stay the course…
Those are some wise words from your dad. My wife put up with me for a few bad years when my dad got sick and passed away. It was a very bad time for me. Of course, she didn’t have a demanding and stressful job and we didn’t have kids back then… But regardless, he’s right. There are hard times and there are good times. I will keep on trying to be patient…
Thank you, sir. I think fitness is the only thing that has kept me somewhat sane during the last ten years. Regardless of what happens with my marriage I will do my absolute best to hold fast to my training. I’d say that should be a constant forever…
Squats (Keep Light. Had some pain.)
LF Leg Extension
Air Squat (No pain)
Hip Abduction
Hip Adduction
LF Back Extensions
Walking Lunges
Knees to Elbows
42:00, 315 Cals, 113 BPM
Sauna (Raw Dogged)
Comments: Managed to put together a decent leg session despite continuing sciatic pain. I was maybe 20 kj’s off my PR pace on the Peloton, then hit the gym and got some decent sets in. Honestly, I think squats wouldn’t have hurt if I wasn’t supersetting them with leg curls. Air squats didn’t hurt. Finished by rawdogging it for 15 minutes in the sauna. About halfway through another guy came in and sat down. He was listening to music on his ear buds and I could tell he was wondering why I was just staring at the wall. It was awesome…