Titan Tim Tackling his Twenties

It’s because I want to do the program right. I want to pick a challenging weight but not a weight where I’ll dunk the bar and not a weight that’s too easy. Ironically I would never know until I tried so I’m kinda obsessing over that.

Which again, are you sure this isn’t anxiety?

I’m not sure myself dude but I do worry about a lot of things sometimes

Worrying is one thing. It’s still ideal to not do so when it’s out of your control, but it’s understandable. Fear is concerning.

Like, I fear something horrible happening to my child. That would break me. I fear getting into some sort of horrible car accident and leaving my wife a widow and my kid an orphan.

Lifting weights is a hobby.

If you have a chance to take philosophy as an elective, I would highly encourage it. In the interim, try this helpful thought exercise.

Your concern is picking the wrong weight. Gotcha. In 30 years: what will be the consequence of that wrong decision? In the interim: what action will you take if you picked too heavy of a weight? Too light?

Having those answers can be helpful.


5/3/1 PR Sets and Widowmakers


290 lbs x 5

335 lbs x 5

375 lbs x 11 (OH YEAHHHH!!! 395 lbs will be a cakewalk next week)

Deadlift Widowmaker

290 lbs x 20

Strict Press

110 lbs x 5

125 lbs x 5

140 lbs x 9 (Nice!!)

Strict Press Widowmaker

110 lbs x 20

Deadlift - 255 lbs - 50 reps

Strict Press - 105 lbs - 50 reps

Pull-ups - Bodyweight - 5 sets AMRAP

Hard Conditioning

20 Rounds (1:00 minute rounds) of

5 Burpees

5 Kettlebell Swings (73 lb dumbbell)

AMRAP Muscle Clean and Press (115 lbs)

Easy Conditioning

Stairmaster - 10 minutes

Felt a bit sluggish in the beginning but I had an awesome training session.


You’re killing it Tim!


holy crap that is a LOT of work

How long do your workouts take?

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Tbh Anna I am unsure but, I have been getting all the work done a lot faster which is awesome. I stopped going on my phone between sets.

5/3/1 PR Sets and Widowmakers


255 lbs x 5

290 lbs x 5

330 lbs x 10

Squat Widowmaker

255 lbs x 20

Incline Bench

115 lbs x 5

130 lbs x 5

150 lbs x 11

Incline Bench Widowmaker

115 lbs x 22

Sit-ups - Bodyweight - 50 reps

Incline Bench - 125 lbs - 50 reps

Barbell Curl - 95 lbs - 50 reps

Hard Conditioning

20 Rounds (1:00 minute rounds) of

5 Burpees

5 Kettlebell Swings (73 lb dumbbell)

AMRAP Muscle Clean and Press (115 lbs)

Easy Conditioning

Prowler - 90 lbs - 10 minutes

Easy Conditioning

Stairmaster - 10 minutes

Easing the Nerves for Super Squats

(Beltless and Flat shoe squats for practice, honestly probably would’ve been more effective if I did breathing squats but I can do that next week)

135 lbs x something

225 lbs x something

315 lbs x 2

PR sets weren’t the best but I busted my butt today physically and mentally.

I felt like a badass on that prowler rather than a moron just shoving that thing like a maniac across the fake football field thingy that expands across the gym. Back and forth! Back and forth! @T3hPwnisher

Also at the very end I proved to myself that I can squat beltless with no problem, great depth and everything. Didn’t need to do any more than 2 reps with 315 to know that. At this moment I told myself “You got this, you can do super squats, you have nothing to worry about”.

(I have had a horrible history with squatting beltless and without shoes in my early high school days which was making me worried)

Anyway this is the 5th week of this training template, so there’s one more week left then it’s off to a greater pain


Glad it worked well for you dude! The prowler is my favorite conditioning tool. No eccentric load, no real skill to it: just grind.

Any reason you’re going with flat shoes for Super Squats?

Looks like a monstrous session dude.

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Awesome to see, @tlgains! Like Pwn, I love me some sled work. Here’s what I said after I took mine out for a spin the first time:

Great minds think alike!

FWIW, though, JW considers Prowler work as “hard conditioning.” I don’t care what you call it: I’m just glad to see you didn’t let feeling like you’d look silly get in the way of its magic.

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I’m going with flat shoes because the book mentions how they want the squats to be flat footed. So I practiced squatting with those rather than my squat shoes. Am I misinterpreting flat footed because I feel like I am since you asked.

I will definitely buy one of my own in the future. I absolutely loved using that thing. :joy: I can see why it’s hard conditioning because pushing it around was difficult. You know what else is cool, I saw sandbags at my gym. There’s a crap load of equipment I can use honestly: safety bar, log, trap bar.


@SvenG this is a bit embarrassing but I actually was going to use the log to do “log grace?” ( is that what it’s called?) for my EMOM conditioning this Monday. I could not get the thing out of the bar holder, it was super stuck in there.

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You absolutely are. They’re talking about flat footed SQUATS: not flat soled shoes.

This is a NON flat footed squat

Prior to Milo making flat footed squats popular, squats in weight training were performed in this manner. Milo popularized the flat footed variant, wherein the whole foot makes contact with the floor, and it allowed MUCH more weight to be lifted.

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Well, a crap load of stuff except the log, apparently! Haha.

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Well that’s not a problem, I will just have to practice those in my socks next week. Thanks for informing me dude.

No problem dude…but I don’t understand why you aren’t using your weightlifting shoes if that’s what you normally squat in. It’s what I would do if I were to run the program today.

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I mean if doing the squats without the shoes is what the program wants then I will just do that. I want results and I’m tired of looking like a chump even if the gym floor is fucking disgusting.

It’s not what the program wants. That’s what I just wrote.

I will try again.

THIS is a flat footed squat

His whole foot is in contact with the floor. He’s not on his toes.

THIS is a NOT flat footed squat


The NON flat footed squat was how people squatted BEFORE Milo Steinborn popularized the flat footed squat (the story you read about in the book). The NON flat footed squat does not allow the kind of poundages moved that a flat footed squat moves.

The book was NOT talking about shoes. Shoes are not what the book is discussing. You can wear any shoes you want. The book is saying: whatever shoes you wear, make sure your heel is in contact with the floor while you squat.