[quote]bushidobadboy wrote:
Mr. Clean & Jerk wrote:
I’m with Horazio, all the way. If someone means to cause you harm, fine, green light on ripping him a new one. If you’re so out of touch with reality, however, that such a thoughtless, low-class remark flares you up like this, then you’re in for some hard times ahead.
It takes more of a man to ignore shit-talking bitches like that.
But if he does it again then let him know, in no uncertain terms that if he wants to keep talking shit about you or your friends, he better be willing to pay the price.
If he starts yelling “OH yeah, and just what is that price, blah blah”, do not be draw into discussion or threats, just walk calmly away, holding your head high.
Only then, if he makes a move to hurt you, should you feel you need to punish him. Once you ‘go for it’, do not hold back, although you should be aware that it’s relatively easy to kill or braindamage someone, just by accident. You don’t want to go to prison over something like this do you?
On a related note, it pays to fight in an area devoid of security cameras.
C’mon let the kid live. You guys are clearly giving the more mature perspective but let him save some of his pride. This is high school, granted he is still under the age of 18 there will be no charges pressed, everyone will think he’s cool and know not to fuck with him or his girl, and the kid stated WITH HIM.
If he doesn’t fight (OP you always have the choice to fight or not), everyones gonna think he’s a pussy. IE try to fuck his girl, try to fight him, what have you.
OP either fight or don’t but get ready to fight. I have a feeling that either way, he’s going to keep pushing you. No-one in high school is going to take the Mr. Clean and Bushy mature perspective, IT’S HIGH SCHOOL. Especially not this douchebag.