I tried to find an article about when it was most advantageous to eat carb heavy or protein heavy meals. I couldn’t find anything.
Does anyone know of an article, or does anyone have any advice. I’m 6’3" 203 lbs, doing Rippitoes, looking to add muscle while not adding unnecessary fat. I’m trying to eat 3700 to 4000 cals a day with 350 to 400 grams of protein. I’m trying to eat meals every few hours, and I want to get the most out of it.
I’ve heard people advocate for eating carbs shortly after a workout to help with the recovery. Is it as simple as eating some carb heavy meals after the workout and protein heavy meals the rest of the time?
I feel pretty good about the rest of my program, but the specifics of what and when to eat really have me confused.
Its actually pretty simple. You split your protein intake evenly amongst your daily meals. So thats 350-400grams divided up every few hours. Your carbs are better off placed at breakfast (you were just sleeping for 8 hours aka fasting) and around your workout (before, during, and after).
Carbs around the workout window are most likely to be used to replenish used glycogen instead of being stored as fat.
And remeber, like CT says… “its not what you take or how much…its what your body absorbs and uses.” It got me thinking about taking in too much at one time, your body will just piss it all out if its not used.