Been lifting for awhile. Met most of my goals. Am 52 now. Want to continue lifting and lose about 75 lbs
BF % about 20%.
Looking for best way to do this. Would like to keep powerlifting - understand maxes will decrease
Would recommendation be to cut calories about 250-500 per day and increase aerobic? Would anyone increase reps/sets, currently I do wendler type lifting 3-4 days week. Aerobic once per week- sometimes a little more.
Either a 500 cal deficit with no cardio or 250 cal deficit with some cardio.
Keep lifting as you were, definitely not higher reps lower weight, if anything more low rep strength work.
Cycle carbs. Higher on training days with 1 or 2 low carb days, the rest somewhere inbetween
Weigh daily but assess weekly, decreasing average weekly weight is a reasonable metric if you are well trained and not in beginner gains mode (assume you aren’t.
I lost 15lb in ~ 12-15 weeks doing this at the start of the year from a relatively lean start point.
I used the higher deficit no cardio approach, because I hate cardio.
Imo I would personally go with the 250cal deficit approach as you have stated that you have no time line, easier to manage and little to no muscle loss. Age is also the reason why I would suggest such, if you are not on TRT and assuming you are the average range of test for a man of 52 you wouldn’t need any more reason for you to be risking loosing muscle.
What @Pinkylifting said. My only additions would be to suggest you cut cals ~3500/week (ie, doesn’t have to be 500/d; can run a deeper deficit on some days, less of one on others), and keep the aerobic work as a trump card to play when your weight loss on that deficit slows down.
Thanks for help. Regarding question of why so much weight loss —- have always been big. Football in colege. No TRT. Tired of tight shirts, having to get everything tailored. Also- ACL injury in college. Gets a little sore. Figure less weight will decrease my chance of needing a new knee.
Makes sense. So many ‘regular’ folks like me are so focused on gaining mass, it’s hard to get your head wrapped around wanting to lose 75 lbs but at a respectable 20% body fat. That would mean quite likely you’d be losing muscle as well, but for overall health it’s the right thing to do.
I’m busting your chops. You don’t have to lose that much muscle. I went from 273 to 206 over the course of two years while I put on muscle. I cleaned up my diet and did as pinky suggested.
See, DChris-that wasn’t too hard to be nice was it ?
Your second answer helped me more
My body fat was measured by calipers by someone else. So I understand there is some potential error—- even if the measurements were way off and I was at 30 or 40% body fat , the overall advice here would be about the same it seems— lift hard. High weight. Low reps. Manuipulate diet/calories . Add aerobics as needed.
Don’t lose too quickly
Again, thanks all, and I’m out (this time for sure)
When you were 295 two years ago and trying to lose fat, what did you do that worked? Or, depending on the results you got, what did you do that didn’t work?