[quote]jdinatale wrote:
Hello, I was wondering if those who have had experienced hypogonadism followed by testosterone replacement therapy could tell me a general time line for how the results came.
Age: 18
Pre-HRT Testosterone: 271
Protocol: 100mg per week divided into two doses per week.
I’ve been on TRT for 2 weeks now.
When could I expect the following?
-Improvement in Lean Body Mass / fat storage in chest/abs
-Improvement in Libido
-Improvement in mood
-improvement in depression/anxiety
I went/am still going through a hypogonadal period. The recovery is not instantaneous. Although I am working on restoring levels naturally, the first thing I am noticing is a return in chest hair and an increase in the rate of beard growth. These are surefire indicators that rising androgen levels are taking hold.
If you have been low for a long time, you should feel the effects pretty quickly, and I’m guessing it would be in the energy department first (assuming estradiol levels are held at a reasonable level.
Depression might take a while longer. It takes some time for your brain to heal. Yes I said heal b/c depression does physically damage your brain (shrinking hippocampus).
Anxiety would indicate “adrenaline dumping.” Testosterone is a calming signal. It should help you out provided, once again, that estradiol is held in check.
You must also realize that pumping your system full of testosterone WILL NOT make you feel better if other systems in your body are not optimized FIRST. If your adrenal glands are underactive, high levels of testosterone will make this condition worse and you will feel very bad. If your adrenal glands are overactive (too much cortisol…hypercortisolemia), you can run into low T and a variety of other problems.
If your thyroid is underactive, you will feel bad. I beleive that increasing testosterone levels will lower thyroid activity.
You need to ensure that your adrenal glands can handle the T. Do a 24hr saliva cortisol test if you haven’t already.
Get a full thyroid panel done, if you haven’t already
BTW, you are very young (18). Have you determined if it is primary or secondary hypogonadism? If secondary, get pituitary checked out to rule out hypopituitary. What’s your diet like? I really hope you covered all of your bases before hopping onto TRT at 18.