How long do you guys wait between blasts? How long do you usually blast?
12 weeks min for me between & I never cycle over 12 weeks either
Generally 2-3 cycles a yr
Off at least as long as you were on.
Does the same apply if your doing a Testosterone only cycle?
I would say yes. Any time you’re at supraphysiological levels of anything you’re bound to have some side effects and/or long term effects. But that’s just my hunch based on general principles. Maybe there’s an exception here or there, but I wouldn’t stake my health on it.
If your on trt year around, or you “cruise” between blasts, I dont believe there is a need for the traditional “time on = time off”. If after your blast, you pull back to your regular trt or cruise levels until your bloods show that your hormones are back to normal, I usually stay there for 2-3 weeks, then ready to blast again. Usually about 4-8 weeks maintaining at trt level, depending on which compounds I ran during my blast. It’s always worked for me, just my two cents
What kind of blast have you run? Duration? Recommendations for those on trt?
I like just higher test and deca tren, or eq depending on what I’m going for.
What would your goals be adding EQ?
What is your cruise dose of test?
200 mg a week, precribed
Out of curiousity, how does 200mg make you feel with regards to sense of well-being, libido etc, and what are your numbers when on 200mg (TT, FT etc.), Based on my past bloods 200mg oughta put me in the 800-900ng/DL ballpark, so I was thinking of cruising on 175mg post cycle.
Why cruise at 175 mg? If 200 mg puts you between 800-900 that seems like a good place to be does it not???
so 110mg weekly has me peak at something like 550 and nadir at 300-350, this is with regards to a shot every 7 days. If I were to pin 100mg e3.5 days my average would probably be 800-900ng/dl, however I worry about potential long term complications with regards to increased hematocrit etc, and I don’t have access to phlebotomies or blood donation yet (will soon though). I also believe in getting by on the minimum possible dose, it’s possible there isn’t a difference with regards to how I feel on 175 vs 200mg/wk, if I feel good on 175mg/wk (yet to try), then I don’t see the point in going to 200mg, maybe I will end up on 200mg weekly, it’s too early to tell, however such a dose would never be prescribed by my doctor, 200mg weekly is typically quite high for TRT, I could get away with it while I’m still young but I’m thinking decades down the line, I don’t want to leave this world until I’ve made some sort of positive change to society.
Currently using 300mg weekly, the introduction to pharmacologic testosterone concentrations yayyyyyy. Will be on this dose for the next ten weeks unless I have any adverse reactions (I am typically sensitive to the side effects of medications) @alldayeveryday
Honest question…why even bother coming off then? You’re spending very little time in normal range, so why waste that time anyway? You’re on a permablast, so why even screw around being “off” for a few weeks?
Good question but let me ask this… if you come off and stabilize at a trt dose, run blood work and find that all your markers are perfect (hematocrit, rbc, hemoglobin, e2, hdl, ldl) then why not? Seems like the only reason to get off is to normalize but if your levels aren’t out of whack anyways then what’s the point? Depending on what your running it seems that 6 weeks is a good place.
Your numbers only tell you what’s happening at the time you draw blood. They don’t tell you what you’ll be like after a year or two of permablasting. There are no free lunches with Mother Nature.
Time off usually last about 6-8 weeks. I wouldnt call that permablasting, it takes a while for my levels to come back to pre blast and normalize, usually about 4 or 5 weeks depending on how much I was blasting, then I stay there for a bit, 2 or 3 weeks, and go back on blast. I cycle the compounds I add to my test during a blast also. The last one I ran test and mast, my next one will be test deca.
How was your Testosterone/Masterone blast? I’ve seen alot of guys running this combo on trt. Some run it alongside their cruise trt protocols.
Permablasting increases the chances of acquiring detrimental cardiac morphology, some may not care about this risk, for them… That’s fine, however for those who have longevity in mind permablasting isn’t the greatest idea. If you happen to get an ECG every time you get bloods, that’d be more helpful in determining whether you can blast again @alldayeveryday