How Much Time Between Cycles when Blasting/Cruising?

When you blast and cruise is there a rule of thumb for how long you should cruise between cycles?
I’m coming off a cutting stack of Anavar and Winstrol, how long do I need to wait before starting an EQ cycle and why?

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So that’s an interesting question, particularly because it was an all-oral blast (which also happens to be the name of my third favorite porno). What does your cruise look like?


500mg/week of Test C

That is not a cruise. That is a blast. How long do you cruise at that dosage?

Curious why you want to run EQ. Based on what I’ve read (mostly Bill Roberts) Masteron is just as effective if not more, and has some anti-estrogenic properties.

Personally, I wait about 4 -6 months between blasts. Both from an economic standpoint, and to let me body adjust to the last blast and see where I am.

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Lol. I blast at 500mg, cruise at 250mg. I’m retarded

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Gotcha. I was confused for a second there. I would tend to agree with Studhammer on his general timeline. I think if someone is cruising then two blasts a year would be generally acceptable as the “safest” way to go. I suppose if you did a shorter blast with an oral you’d be able to squeeze in three a year, total, but I don’t have any science to back that up.

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500 is a blast to me as well. I cruise at 250mg test cyp for atleast 2 months or more before I blast. 500 is allot but thats just me.

Generally you want at LEAST the amount of time off that your cycle lasted, so say you ran test E @500mg weekly for 10 weeks, after the ester clears (3 weeks or so) you want at least ten weeks off, the reason this is important, (esp with orals) is so you can get all your blood parameters back to normal for a prolonged period of time so your body can re attain homeostasis, this way you aren’t constantly in an un-natural environment which would prove to be dangerous in the long term. 2 blasts per year is probably the golden standard between safety and gains

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it deppends on what did you cause to your system, blood, etc… using oral (assuming Anavar) and W, they are both hepatotoxic, but liver can recover very fast. Actually, you don’t even need to stop blasting if your blast is not that fucking high doses and oral based. No one can say the right time to start a blast again, only you. Doing blood test or by the touch, knowing your body signals. And for all here saying that 500 is not a cruise, it deppends, if you are really big, actually, not THAT big, just big, maybe 500 is not even a cruise for you… remember once you have a lot of muscle, you have more receptors for steroids, and you actually NEED more steroids to keep that mass, without getting any sides, just because you have more muscle. There is no rule for that… for me, around 1g of steroids works like a cruise. I don’t like too much test, keep it around 400mg/w, and put some EQ at 600 per week… this is like a cruise to me. Actually IS a cruise, I’m doing this for a long time, 3 years non stop, blood test every 6 months and everything is OK.
Back to the question, you can do 1, 2, 3 weeks cruising and come back to the blast, but I would do some blood work right now, just to keep things in balance and for a better vision of my system. If all come back good, then you can short your time between blasts or even assume a hardcore aproach, non stopping, just changing drugs! This is how you break homeostasis, changing drugs!

GH15 approved


I’ll do a heavy run of orals, say 700mg primo and a higher than typical dose of prohormones stacked for 5-8 weeks with 500mg test e and 200mg primo for upwards of 3-4 months and start a 250mg test e / 100mg primo cruise for 6 weeks and by the end, all my bloodwork is in check so I repeat, even testing during blast.

It’s really individual and probably your cycle support, post support, and diet that plays a role in how fast you recover and when it’s “safe” to blast again.

On just a 500mg test e / 200mg primo blast, everything stays in check for me except I ride the line of high for RBC, and that’s it.

This is actually really accurate. There’s no cookie cutter approach that works for everyone. I cruise around 300 a week and blast to 600 plus 600 eq usually. I don’t use hardcore drugs anymore (tren or halo for example) and I generally operate on a 16 weeks on 6 weeks off approach. Works fine for me :slight_smile:

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