Here it is, I’m laying my non-existent online reputation and doing a clinic on my own. While I’m surprised that not more people have done this, (I’ve only seen one other post similar to this) it’s understandable that you wouldn’t want to tell thousands of people that you’re going to commit to brutal training regiments and mentally exhausting nutritional guidelines… But that’s exactly why I’m doing it.
I figure that if I swear in front of a jury and later lie in court or fail to show up for the trial, then my sentence shall be self-humiliation, dissapointment, self doubt for years to come, and the realization that I can’t do something that I’ve wanted for years. But it’ll be well-deserved.
Here are my guidelines for my clinic:
-Clinic is in session: I believe T-Nation’s is 12 weeks, I’ll officially start mine on 12/10/07 through 3/2/08
-Back to school assignments: I’ll do the same “homework” assignments as prescribed by Chris Shugart
-Telling all: I’ll post daily logs of food intake and physical activities (except for any intra-marital affairs or snake handshakes, we’ll keep this clean)
-Finish line photo: I’m not looking to get ripped. I’d like to gain 10-15 lbs of mostly muscle which has been extremely difficult for me. *Stats and photos to follow
-The Sunday Press: On Sunday’s I’ll analyze the previous week’s results and prep for the following week
I’d really like to hear input from everyone that comes on here, but please abstain from writing empty blurbs. If you opine that a certain exercise or food shouldn’t be included, don’t just say “duhr, you shuldn’t eat truk tires 'cause their bad fur yu.”
I’ve come to realize I’m not in the least the most intelligent person when it comes to nutrition and exercising, so explain why I shouldn’t eat truck tires. What would be a better substitute? You get the idea. I’m trying to learn while doing here, and I sure could use the help of all the knowledgable people that roam this site.
After my 5:30 AM workout tomorrow, I’ll continue with posting pics, stats, logs, etc.