by Christian Thibaudeau
My Latest Training Program
Maximize muscle growth by using three synergistic phases of training: volume, load, and intensity.
Get the Hypertrophy programs:
- Volume-Based Hypertrophy – Increases training volume throughout the six weeks (1-2 sets per week), allowing training-stress augmentation without overstressing. As you increase volume, you try to also add weight without sacrificing form. Keep the programmed 2 reps in reserve (short of failure) on all work sets
- Load-Based Hypertrophy – Increases training loads weekly. Add weight without sacrificing form 5-10 lbs, depending on the exercise. As the load increases, the number of reps per set decreases or switches to clusters. The set/rep volume is fairly constant.
- Intensity-Based Hypertrophy – Increases training intensity by using a more demanding training method weekly. If possible, try adding 5-10 lbs without sacrificing form, but you’ll still progress if you don’t.