Thoughts on Program

I’ve been doing this program for about 6-7 weeks now, coming off minimal changes, and I like my progress, but wanted to see if anyone had input on how to maximize the potential of this program. I am most interested in improving my shoulders and arms, as I feel this is where most of the work needs to be done. My legs are by far the least important, followed by my back and chest. I currently stand at 5’8, 175, ~11%bf.

Day 1:
Bench 245x 4,3,2,1,2
Incline 180x 8,8,6,6
Hs wide chest 200x 12,10,7
Hs incline 140x9,9,7 (no fail here)
1 set of fly mach to fail

Day 2:
Weighted pull ups w 45: 10,8,7,5
Bent over rows w/80: 10,10,10,10
Chin ups: 2x AMRAP
HS Chest supported Row: 10,10,10

Day 3:
OFF/Ab and cardio

Day 4:
Squat: 275x 10,10,10,10
Deadlift (starting in clean position): 225x10,10,10,10

Day 5:
BB Shoulder Press: 125x10,8,7,6
Rear Delt Flys: 25x10,10,10
Medial Delt Flys: 20x10,10,10
Front Raises; 20x10,10,10
Rear Delt Machine: 2x10
Medial Fly Machine: 2x10

Day 6:
Barbell Curls (100): 7,6,5
Close Grip Bench Press (185): 7,7,7
Incline Dumbbell Curls (40s): 10,9,8ish
Lying Triceps Extensions (50): 12,12,10
Machine Preacher Curls (70): 19,14,9(and burnout)
Reverse Grip Triceps Pushdowns (80): 20,15,9 and burnout