Thoughts on Frequency and Intensity

Not sure if this is the right forum but I have a question on this topic. If I take one set to failure per body part using rest pause but I train that body part every other day, is that bad? I take my 5 or 6 RM and end u doing around 15 reps with 10 - 15 seconds rest.

This is the right forum for this question.

There is no single, straightforward answer to this question.

The three relevant training variables are frequency, intensity and volume. I think most here would agree that, in general, cranking one variable way up requires dialing back on the other two. Thus, answering your question requires consideration re how much volume you have.

Further complicating things are the issues of one’s baseline recovery abilities and tendon/ligament strength. Additionally, how much muscle one is carrying plays a role as well. It may surprise you to learn that, all else being equal, people with less muscle can safely and effectively train with higher levels of volume/intensity/frequency. (Put another way: More muscle mass means greater demand is placed on both recovery resources and tendons/ligaments.)

All that said: Approach this question empirically. That is, if you’re progressing, and your joints feel OK, then keep doing it.

As someone who has done many a rest-pause/myo-rep set in my life, I am frankly skeptical of this claim. Not suggesting you’re lying; rather, that you’re not using your true 6RM, and/or you’re resting longer than 10-15 s.

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Thanks again for your help.

You are correct, Haven’t truly tested what my 5 or 6 RM is since losing the weight. Just started with a weight that felt tough enough. I will add more weight and get my true 6 RM and see how far I can take it.

If you like to train this way, I think you would like DC training. Google it and check it out. It’s a high frequency, high intensity kind of training style similar to what you’re doing.

There was a time when it was very popular among bodybuilders and produced a lot of pro-caliber physiques.

DC sounds fun. Will need to try it. Thanks!

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Idiot Proof D.C.