Hello all,
Did any of you read:
“Muscle: Confessions of an Unlikely Bodybuilder”
I just ordered it and was curious to know wether this book had any influence on your view of bodybuilding.
I’m asking because I got hooked by this lifestyle and thinking about it 24/7, reading, learning about trainig and nutrition, not missing a meal or workout etc. It has started interfering with my social life. (i.e. my parents think I’m obsessed) I think you see what I mean.
I’d like to hear some feedback, especially Timbo, since I’ve been in the same situation as you, being skinny, living on salad and training every day until I became a walking skeleton. Now after a year of training and eating correctly I went from 123 lbs to 157 lbs @ 11% BF and still growing.
Thanks bros.
It’s definitely a worthwhile book to read. I think every dedicated bodybuilder should be required to read that book. After reading it your view on the sport will probably turn a little cynical though.
The author was, to be polite, full of shit. That book needs to be in the fiction section of your local bookstore. When it first came out he got some publicity and went on some afternoon talk shows where he promptly got his lying ass handed to him by people in the bodybuilding/gym business who were able to point out all the lies in the book.
Neil-O…sorry, bro, I haven’t read this bad boy and am not at all familiar with it…what I am familiar with is the situation you’re describing about your personal bodybuilding lifestyle. I’d really like to help you out, bro, if it’s something you want to work on. But the choice is your’s…if you’re not willing to modify/change, then it’s for naught. The last thing I would want to see is someone like yourself–who is dedicated to the lifestyle and hopefully enjoys it very much–become burnt out and a creature of habit rather than participating out of love, desire and passion…that’s the point where you really need to chickety check yo’self–actually that’s probably beyond the point. But let me know if I can help you out and in what areas. You may consider setting goals for your social life and life outside the gym, just like you would for your training. Hope this helps a little, and I will be more than happy to lend some additional thoughts.
Read it a few years back. Then reread it. At the time, I thought it was the greatest book ever. Now I think the author was more than a little pompous and that he definately fictionalized parts of the story, but what do I know. If you love lifting, you’ll love the book.
Thanks guys, I appreciate. I guess most of us who have been bitten by the BB lifestyle learnt, and later found a more favourable equilibrium in life.
Well, any more comments are welcome.