This Is Wild!!

This is the craziest shit I have ever heard. Check out this link:

LSD will let you design your own reality! It ain’t no joke, the drugs work. I had that kind of freak-out last time I ate mushrooms. However, I came down and returned to consensus reality after around 6 hours…this dude didn’t.

I am having “Spiritual Sex” with Kelly Clarkson as we speak!

do you think she’ll get spooked and contact the CIA?

Paranoid Schizophrenia. Scary!

It looks like this guy has it all figured out.

I think this guy is a regular poster here.

Is that Vroom without the goatee???

Anybody remembr the episode of The Simpsons when Homer ate that chili with the South American peppers that had him seeing visions?
I think this dude just ate load.

I might consider voting for Bill Gates actually… Turned a garage company into the most powerful in the world? GWB couldn’t even run a laundry mat. Not to mention he would have NO reason to take any bribes from anyone.

You mean the “Guatemalan Insanity Peppers”? Great episode!

Someone should get him to meet “Timecube guy”…

[quote]pookie wrote:
Someone should get him to meet “Timecube guy”…[/quote]

I think I have just been brainwashed. All those colors and different sized fonts…

“You are a slave - to academic
induced inculcated belief - an
insidious entity, an evil which
corrupts human mental ability
to accept creation knowledge,
as demonstrated in Cubicism.”


I really hope some of you are aware that all the people he mentioned are ‘enemies’ of scientology.

This sounds like one huge scientologist buff if you ask me.

The levels of god (Theban IV, III, etc…) the True Man Show, all of it is taken from L. Ron Hubbard books from way back in the day.

It’s impossible to read that whole page straight through, I think… well, or if you did, you would probably start nodding your head in agreement with all of that lunacy.

The one line I saw in a quick scan that made me really laugh was:
“A new show is beginning, called the Joe Show. Yep, I have a son named Joe/John who is 15 now (18 via magic), whom I’ve never formally met.”

18 via magic? Yeah, keep breeding those ligers there, Napoleon.

[quote]BluePfaltz wrote:
I really hope some of you are aware that all the people he mentioned are ‘enemies’ of scientology.

This sounds like one huge scientologist buff if you ask me.

The levels of god (Theban IV, III, etc…) the True Man Show, all of it is taken from L. Ron Hubbard books from way back in the day.[/quote]

The plot thickens! On a side note, I see Katie Holmes is going down the Scientology route as well now. (head shaking)

Kinda makes me glad that I’m just ignorant, and not bouncing off the walls crazy. The level of conviction that I get from these folks is spooky. I mean, They took the time and effort to start a web page, write all of this stuff down, and they even have their own shirts. It’s just nuts.

This is a hilarious read:

Man, you guys know how to spend a Saturday. And I was looking forward to dinner and some lovin’ this evening. Screw that I’m entering THE CUBE! Remember me Morpheus, or should I say Dr. Gene Ray!


Dr. Gene Ray (who coincidentally is the name of a cop in my hometown):

“University of Michigan is a racist and anti-white institution - offering 20 points for registration, if you are not white. It is already evil in that they suppress student free speech for discussing and debating Nature’s Harmonic Time Cube Principle.
Integration equates unnatural racial slop. Does black mentality need the 20 points to equate the mentality of the white race, or is it an evil ploy to subdue the white race?
What anti-white force is behind this evil? I will not receive one educator reaction, as their power is in ignoring ineffable Truth.
How can such an evil school exist in USA.”

Disc Hoss:

Is this guy stupid… everybody know’s it’s Communist China trying to suppress Caucasian harmonic convergence power. They are using the celestial “cubic opposite” to slow down the matrixial onslaught of the ever encroaching Blessed Mind. Who’s name happens to be Bob who happens to prefer “Dr. Gene Ray” as an alias.

From the TIMECUBE:

I bestow upon myself the “Doctorate of
Cubicism”, for educators are ignorant of Nature’s Harmonic Time Cube Principle and cannot bestow the prestigious honor of wisdom upon the wisest human ever. Dr. Gene Ray

Disc Hoss:

And I, the great and manly Disc Hoss, proclaim myself denizen of the self same deity that is myself. Dr. Gene Ray (see credentials above) is my emmissary and liege.

(overheard in the background… "can somebody turn that &%&% radio down it’s screwing up the reception on my inter-galactic cell phone call.)

This is the best…

Dr. Gene Ray is none other than…


Techno Nerd extraordinairre with a penchant for tapping the ethereal mind…

Wait…wait… I’m gettting something…

“Disc Hoss, U-R-A PUSS-E”
