Okay. I’m 18 years old, 5’11 and 250 lbs. I’ve been training for a couple of years now and have made considerable gains, however lately I’ve hit a plateau. One of my friends suggested Anadrol. I find this very appealing because:
-Pill form makes it easily concealable (father doesn’t support bodybuilding).
-Rapid gains in muscle growth.
-Easily accessible for a reasonable cost.
Right now I’m debating on whether or not a cycle is the way to go, and if Anadrol is a good starting point. I stick to a healthy diet, and am in good shape for being bigger than a lot my age.
I would like if someone could offer me their opinion of Anadrol as well as address the following questions:
-With 50mg tablets, how many should I take per day, and how should I cycle them?
-What should I stack Anadrol with in order to minimize the risk of dramatic side effects?
-If I took 50mg per day, what are my chances of side effects?
-Any precautions to take etc…
Just any real advice for someone who is looking to do their first cycle. I really lack education of the subject, but like I said have ample experience in the gym and eat relatively well. I understand that Anadrol is extremely potent and in turn dangerous as well, so I wanted to extend my curiosity to those with more experience on the subject. Any help whatsoever is greatly appreciated.