This thread discusses things that cause hormone problems. This should be a “read the stickies” resource so we do not need to state the same things over and over in individual posts.
See post on PCT or HPTA restart basics here: HPTA Restart Protocol - Testosterone Replacement - Forums - T Nation
I will maintain this leading post by editing it. Additional material will be added to this leading post, not in posts that discuss these issues. This will keep chatter out of the sticky and this lead post is the sticky. Changes and corrections will be made as needed.
Please keep posts/comments/suggestions/contributions on topic. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO DISCUSS YOUR OWN PROBLEMS HERE! This post is meant to be a technical resource. Some things might be better sentas PM’s to KSman.
Things that damage your hormones -list of topics:
Pituitary damage: ref Pituitary gland - Wikipedia
-blows to the head or whiplash Whiplash (medicine) - Wikipedia
-adinomas Pituitary adenoma - Wikipedia
Drugs and chemicals:
-Rx drugs
-OTC drugs
-hair loss drugs
-other chemicals, toxins, pollution
-heavy metals
-fire retardants in furniture or fire fighter’s fire retardant clothes
Effects of other reproductive and related hormones:
-Estradiol Estradiol - Wikipedia
-Prolactin Prolactin - Wikipedia
-Xeno estrogens Xenoestrogen - Wikipedia
-Xeno testosterone: The Dangers of 5-Alpha Reductase Inhibitors - Testosterone Replacement - Forums - T Nation
–hair loss drugs 5-alpha reductase inhibitors -extremely dangerous for a few - see above
-Prohormones [PH] Prohormone - Wikipedia -extremely dangerous for a few
-Deca Nandrolone - Wikipedia - see xeno-testosterone above
Damage to the testicles [testes] ref Testicle - Wikipedia
-cancer Testicular cancer - Wikipedia
-Varicocele [blood supply] Varicocele - Wikipedia
-Torsion [Physical damage] Testicular torsion - Wikipedia
-Trauma Testicular trauma - Wikipedia
-Fever: If you have a fever and your testes hurt, they may be damaged
Damage to the pituitary gland:
-head trauma, blow to the head or whip lash can scar the pituitary gland
-a pituitary adenoma Pituitary adenoma - Wikipedia
–can decrease LH and/or increase prolactin
–may press in optic nerves, reducing peripheral vision in one or both eyes
—could create other visual field disturbances [not vision correction issue]
–can results in other hormone problems
-watch for multiple pituitary hormone problems
Comorbidies: Comorbidity - Wikipedia
-hypothyroidism Hypothyroidism - Wikipedia
-adrenal fatigue Adrenal fatigue - Wikipedia
–watch DHEA-S levels
-syndrome X aka metabolic disorder Metabolic syndrome - Wikipedia
-insulin resistance [and diabetes] Insulin resistance - Wikipedia
-influences of the digestive system
-arterial disease and high blood pressure [BP]
-poor cell wall permeability
-low cholesterol, natural, diet induced, result of statin drugs
-low CoQ10, age related, induced by statin drugs
-low dietary EFA’s [essential fatty acids]
-low iodine KSMan? - Testosterone Replacement - Forums - T Nation
-other low trace minerals
-sub optimal vitamin D
-anti oxidants
Supplements, when more might be better:
01/04/2010, created a post on dangers of 5-alpha reductase drugs, linked above under zeno-testosterone