44 Y/O - Adrenal and Thyroid Burnout - or What?!

Need the lab results and lab ranges.

You will take
Arimidex with T, not by itself.

With a thyroid problem, there is a good chance that you will not absorb transdermal testosterone.
Then self injections would be a good option.

If you have adrenal fatigue and elevated rT3, rT3 is blocking fT3. The added T4 in Erfa thyroid will then increase T4–>rT3 and you might not get anywhere.

Please read these:

Please read all of this post and note the last paragraph.

  • note the first paragraph
  • we need more info about you
  • this sticky provides concepts and definition you need to understand the ‘language’ of TRT.


Above is suggested minimum reading.


  • the biggest issue in TRT is finding a knowledgeable doctor


If adrenals are weak and you take thyroid meds, you may over run the capacity of the adrenals. Happens some times.

Try splitting the thyroid and taking less and observe.

You can monitor oral body temperature.
Should be 97.7 - 97.8F when you wake up, higher would be OK, 97.3F is a problem.
Should get to 98.6F/37C mid-afternoon
Post your body temperatures!

Do you have essential fatty acids and olive oil in your diet?
Getting enough fats?

Vit-D3 is very important in your climate.

Get a men’s high potency B-complex multi-vit with trace elements, including iodine+selenium.

What was your source of iodine? Iodized salt?

Your protocol looks quite good. Vit-A seems excessive. But you hired a company to bring out the big guns.

That is all I can say until I see your labs + ranges.